22.3/Prix du marché :Le prix du présent marché en toutes taxes compris traduction - 22.3/Prix du marché :Le prix du présent marché en toutes taxes compris Anglais comment dire

22.3/Prix du marché :Le prix du pré

22.3/Prix du marché :
Le prix du présent marché en toutes taxes comprises, des études et de la réalisation est arrêté au forfait à :
Montant du marché : OA/TTC
soit : DA/'TTC le mètre carré habitable
Dans ce coût forfaitaire
Un taux de % est réservé pour la rémunération de la partie études des logements,
études des Voiries et réseaux divers ainsi que les aménagements extérieurs.
Le reste du montant forfaitaire arrêté, dans les conditions visées ci-dessus, est réservé dans
une quotepart de % pour la rémunération de la partie infrastructure et % pour
la partie superstructure ;
Le titulaire du marché doit produire un document détaillant les valeurs estimées des différents éléments constitutifs du prix global et forfaitaire.
Ce document appelé « décomposition du prix global et forfaitaire » sert à établir les décomptes provisoires.
Cette décomposition est présentée sous la forme d'un document comprenant, pour chaque nature d'ouvrage ou chaque élément d'ouvrage, la quantité à exécuter et le prix de l'unité correspondant.
Dans le marché à prix global et forfaitaire, le titulaire du marché est responsable de ses estimations ; il ne peut demander le paiement des prestations supplémentaires qui auraient été mal évalués.
11 reste entendu que le montant du marché pourrait être réajusté avec une tolérance de ±3%
En fonction de la surface habitable réellement réalisée.
Dispositions communes aux travaux rémunérés à prix global et forfaitaire
Le règlement des acomptes mensuels des travaux exécutés en infrastructure et en superstructure pour les logements et locaux à usage commercial ou professionnel y compris socles, galeries s'effectuera au forfait sur la base de la décomposition du prix global et forfaitaire.
Le prix global et forfaitaire fixé pour les travaux indiqués ci-dessus ne peut être rectifié en plus ou en moins, par rapport aux prévisions initiales, qu'en cas de nécessité absolue avérée après approbation du service contractant.
Toutes erreurs ou omissions relevées en cours d'exécution sur le bordereau des prix unitaires, les quantités et/ou les prix du devis quantitatif et estimatif servant de base pour le versement des acomptes provisoires du montant global et forfaitaire, ne peuvent conduire en aucun cas à une modification de ce prix fixé, tant que l'exécution des travaux se poursuit conformément aux pièces contractuelles du marché.
Le cocontractant poursuivra sans réserves l'exécution des travaux omis dans le bordereau des prix unitaires, le devis quantitatif et estimatif mais définis par le cahier des charges fixant les normes de surface et de confort applicables aux logements promotionnels publics, le devis descriptif et par les plans d'exécutions, sans contre partie financière.
Les travaux en infrastructure des locaux à usage commercial et professionnel, indépendant du corps du bâtiment (galeries, socles,...], sont réglés au cocontractant au métré, conformément aux pièces graphiques et écrites contractuelles du projet d'exécution approuvé, et ce par l'application des prix du bordereaux des prix unitaires aux quantités réellement exécutées.

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
22.3/market prices:The price of this contract all taxes, assessments and the realization is arrested in the package to:Amount of the contract: OA/TTCis: DA /'TTC m2 habitableIn this flat cost% Is reserved for the remuneration of the studies of the housing part.studies of roads and utilities as well as outdoor facilities.The rest of the lump sum order, under the conditions referred to above, is restricted ina share of the remuneration of the infrastructure part % and % forthe superstructure part;The holder of the market must produce a document detailing the estimated values of the various constituent elements of the overall price.This document called "decomposition of the overall price" is used to establish provisional counts.This decomposition is presented in the form of a document containing, for each kind of book or each book element, the quantity to be run and the price of unity corresponding.In the overall price market, market owner is responsible for its estimates; It may request the payment of additional benefits which have been incorrectly assessed.11 still heard that the amount of the market could be readjusted with a tolerance of ±3%According to the living area actually carried out.Provisions common to the overall price workRegulation of the monthly instalments of the executed in infrastructure and superstructure for housing and local work for commercial or professional use including pedestals, galleries will be the package on the basis of the breakdown of the overall price.The overall price set for the above work can be corrected more or less, compared with the initial estimate, unless proven absolute necessity after approval of the contracting service.All errors or omissions running on the unit price schedule, quantities or estimate quantitative and estimated prices as a basis for the payment of the interim of the overall amount payments, cannot lead in any case to a modification of this fixed price, as long as the work continues in accordance with the contractual parts of market.The other party will continue without reservations work omitted in the unit price, the quantity and estimated quote slip but defined by the specifications laying down the public promotional housing, the description of work surface and comfort standards and plans for executions, without however part financial.Work in infrastructure of commercial and professional, independent from the body of the building premises ([galleries, pedestals,...], are set to the other party to the meter in accordance with parts graphic and written contract of the runtime project approved, and this by the application of the price of the unit prices to quantities actually executed slips.)
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
22.3 / Market Price:
The price of this market including all taxes, studies and execution is stopped at the package:
Contract Amount: OA / TTC
is: DA / 'TTC square meter living
in this flat fee
A % rate is reserved for the remuneration of the part housing studies,
studies of Roads and utilities as well as landscaping.
The rest of the arrested lump sum, under the conditions specified above, is restricted in
a quotepart% for the remuneration of the infrastructure part and% for
the superstructure party;
The contractor must produce a document detailing the estimated values ​​of the various components of the overall price.
This document called "breakdown of the overall price" is used to establish the provisional statements.
This decomposition is presented in the form of a document including, for each type of work or each work item, the quantity to be performed and the corresponding unit price.
In the market overall price The contractor is responsible for its estimates; it can not require the payment of additional benefits that would have been poorly evaluated.
11 is understood that the value of the contract could be adjusted with a tolerance of ± 3%
depending on the actual realized living space.
Provisions common to the work paid aggregate price and lump
Regulation monthly installments of work done in infrastructure and superstructure for housing and premises for commercial or business use including pedestals, galleries will be made ​​at package based on the decomposition of the overall price.
The overall price and lump attached to the work mentioned above can be rectified by more or less, compared to original estimates only if clearly demonstrated need the approval of the service contractor.
Any errors or omissions in progress the schedule of unit prices, quantities and / or prices and quantitative estimate used as a basis for the payment of provisional payment of the lump sum amount, can in no way lead to a change in the price fixed, as the performance of work continues in accordance with contractual parts of the market.
The other party will continue without reservation of works omitted in the unit price schedule, quantity and cost estimate but defined by specifications setting standards and surface comfort promotional applicable to public housing, specification and plans of executions without against financial part.
The work of local infrastructure for commercial and professional use, independent of body building (galleries, pedestals, ...] are set to the other party in surveying, according to the graphical parts and contractual written Implementation project approved, and by applying the price slips the unit rates to the quantities actually executed.

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
22.3 /Market Price :
the price of this market in all taxes included, of the studies and of the achievement is stopped at the package to:
Amount of the market: OA/TTC
either: DA/ 'TTC the habitable area
In this fixed-cost
a rate of % is reserved for the remuneration of part studies of housing,
studies the roadways and various networks as well as the external facilities.
The rest of the lump-sum amount stopped, under the conditions referred to above, is reserved in
a share of % for compensation of the party infrastructure and % for
the part superstructure ;
The holder of the market must produce a document detailing the estimated values of the different constituent elements of the overall and fixed prices.
This document, called "decomposition of the overall price and lump sum" is used to establish the provisional counts.
This decomposition is presented in the form of a document comprising, for each kind of book or each item of work, the quantity to run and the price of the unit corresponding.
in the market on overall and fixed prices,The owner of the market is responsible for its estimates; it cannot require the payment of additional benefits which would have been poorly evaluated.
11 remains understood that the amount of the market could be readjusted with a tolerance of ±3 %
in function of the inhabitable surface actually carried out.
common provisions for paid work to overall and fixed prices
The regulation of the monthly installments of the work carried out in infrastructure and superstructure for the dwellings and premises to commercial or professional use including cradles, galleries will take place in the package on the basis of the decomposition of overall and fixed prices.
The overall price and lump sum fixed for the work shown above can not be corrected in more or less,Compared with the initial estimates, only in cases of absolute necessity proved after approval of the service contractor.
All errors or omissions identified in course of execution on the packing slip of the unit prices, the quantities and/or the price of the quote and quantitative estimated serving as the basis for the payment of interim payments of the overall amount and lump sum,Do can in no case lead to a modification of this fixed price, as long as the execution of the work shall continue in accordance with the contractual parts of the market.
the counterparty will continue without reservations the execution of work omitted in the packing slip the unit prices,The quote and quantitative estimated but defined by the technical specifications laying down the standards of surface and comfort applicable to housing public promotional, the descriptive quote and by the plans of executions, without against financial part.
the infrastructure work of premises for commercial use and professional, independent of the body of the building (galleries, socles, ... ],Are rules to the counterparty to the meter, in accordance with the parts and graphics written contractual of the execution project approved, and this by the application of the price of the vouchers of unit prices to the quantities actually executed.

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