3. La baisse continue du taux de penetration des generigues a partir d traduction - 3. La baisse continue du taux de penetration des generigues a partir d Anglais comment dire

3. La baisse continue du taux de pe

3. La baisse continue du taux de penetration des generigues a partir d'avril

371. Outre le taux d'ordonnances « NS » concernant le clopidogrel, la Decision se fonde sur le constat d' « une evolution atypique du marche du clopidogrel »196 comme preuve du caractere soi-disant denigrant de l'information communiquee par Sanofi-Aventis France :

« Les donnees de marche revetent une evolution atypique du marche du ctopidogret apres
l'introduction des generiques a l'automne 2009, par rapport a la trajectoire observee usuellement dans le cadre de la g{merification d'un medicament princeps.

(...) le faux de generification en volume du Plavix® a tres fortement augmente dans les premiers mois d'introduction des generiques, pour atteindre un pie a 67, 90 % au mois de mars 2010. Ce faux de generification a ensuite diminue regutierement : au mois d'aoOt 2011, it s'elevait a seulement 61,53 %. »197

372. Une nouvelle fois, la Decision s'est contentee de constater l'evolution de la generification de
Plavix, sans demontrer en quoi Sanofi-Aventis France serait a l'origine de cette evolution.

373. Or precisement, Sanofi-Aventis France ne peut etre la cause de cette situation car :

la penetration des generiques a ete bonne pendant toute la periode des pratiques allt§guees et n'a commence a baisser tres legerement que plusieurs mois apres la fin des
pratiques en cause (3.1) ;

d'autres facteurs, exterieurs a Sanofi-Aventis France et posterieurs a l'arret des pratiques en cause, ont eu une influence evidente que la Decision ne pouvait pas nier (3.2) ;
la remontee brutale de la substitution a la suite des incitations financieres donnees aux pharmaciens en avril 2012 est la preuve que« l'aversion au risque des professionnels de
sante » invoquee par la Decision n'est qu'un argument fallacieux face aux interventions des Pouvoirs Publics et a la refance de la substitution par un interessement financier accru (3.3).

3.1 La penetration des generiques a ete bonne pendant toute la periode des pratiques reprochees a Sanofi-Aventis France et n'a commence a baisser tres legerement que
plusieurs mois apres leur fin

374. A partir de la commercialisation des premiers generiques de clopidogrelle 8 octobre 2009, on constate une entree massive de generiqueurs qui s'est accompagnee d'une evolution rapide du taux de substitution de Plavix par les generiques, comme le montre le graphique 1 ci-dessous et ce que ne conteste pas la Decision :
«( ... )le taux de generification en volume du Plavix® a tres fortement augmente dans tes premiers mois d'introduction des generiques, pour atteindre un pie a 67,90% au mois de mars 2010. »198

196 Decision, pt. 223.
197 Decision, pt. 223.
198 Decision, pt. 223.

De: -
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
3. the continuing decline in the rate of penetration of generigues from April 2010

371. Furthermore the rate of prescriptions "ns" on clopidogrel, the decision is based on the finding of "atypical Evolution of walking clopidogrel" 196 as evidence of character supposedly disparaging information communicated by sanofi-aventis France

"The market is of data from atypical Evolution of walking ctopidogret after the introduction of generic
in autumn 2009, compared to the usually observed in the g {merification path of an originator drug.
( ...) false generics of Plavix ® in volume has very greatly increased in the first month of introduction of generic,to achieve a magpie 67, 90% in March 2010. this fake generics then decreases regutierement: the month of AUGUST 2011, it was only 61.53%. "197
372. Once again, the decision is merely to note the evolution of generics of
plavix without demonstrate how sanofi-aventis France would be at the origin of this development.
373. or precisely,sanofi-aventis France can not be the cause of this situation because:
penetration of generic was good throughout the period of practical allt § guees and began to decline very slightly until several months after the end of practice
involved (3.1)

other factors exterior to sanofi-aventis France and posterior to the stop of the practices in questionhad an obvious that the decision could not deny (3.2) influence;
brutal remontee of substitution as a result of financial incentives to pharmacists data in April 2012 is proof that "risk aversion professionals
health "invoked by the decision is a fallacious argument against intervention by the public authorities and the refance of substitution increased financial profit-sharing (3.3).
3.1 of generic penetration was good throughout the period BLAMED Practices of sanofi-aventis France and began to decrease very slightly as several months after their

end 374.from the marketing of the first generic clopidogrelle of 8 October 2009, there was a massive entry of generics, which has been accompanied by a rapidly changing rate of substitution by generic plavix, as Figure 1 below shows and what does not contest the decision:
"(...) The rate of generics of Plavix ® in volume has increased very strongly in your first month of introduction of generic, reaching a magpie 67.90% in March 2010. "198

196 decision, pt. 223.
197 decision, pt. 223.
198 decision, pt.
En cours de traduction, veuillez patienter...
Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
3. The drop continues the penetration rate of the generigues from April

371. In addition to the rate of orders 'NS' concerning clopidogrel, the Decision is based on the finding of "an atypical evolution of clopidogrel market" 196 as proof of its so-called denigrant of the information communicated by Sanofi-Aventis France:

"Data from market are an atypical evolution of ctopidogret after market
the introduction of generics in the autumn of 2009, compared with the trajectory usually observed in the context of the g {merification of a princeps drug.

(...)}. forgery of generics in volume of the Plavix ® very strongly increased in the first months of the introduction of generics. to achieve a pie has 67, 90% in March 2010. This fake of generics has then decreases regutierement: in the month of August 2011, it amounted to only 61.53%. » 197

372. Once again, the Decision is contentee to see the evolution of the generics of
Plavix without demonstrating how Sanofi-Aventis France would be at the origin of this evolution.

373. Gold precisely, Sanofi-Aventis France cannot be the cause of this situation because:

penetration of generics has good summer period allt§guees practices and has begins a decline very slightly until several months after the end of
practices in question (3.1);

other factors, external Sanofi-Aventis France and subsequent discontinuation of the practices in question,. had an obvious influence that Decision could not deny (3.2);
the sharp rise of the substitution as a result of incentives financial data to pharmacists in April 2012 is proof that ' aversion to risk professionals from
health"relied upon by the Decision is only a fallacious argument against the interventions of public authorities and has the refance of a greater financial incentive (3.3) substitution.

3.1 penetration of generics has been good during the entire period of the impugned practice was Sanofi-Aventis France and has begins a decline very slightly only
several months after their end

374. From the marketing of the first generic of clopidogrelle October 8, 2009, there is a massive of generics which entered accompanied by a rapid evolution of the rate of substitution of Plavix by generics, as shown in chart 1 below and that is not challenging the Decision :
«(... ) of generics in volume of the Plavix ® very strongly increases in your first months of the introduction of generics, to achieve a pie a 67.90% in March 2010. » 198

196 Decision, pt. 223
197 Decision, pt. 223
198 Decision, pt. 223.

En cours de traduction, veuillez patienter...
Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
3. The continued decline in the rate of penetration of generigues from april

371. In addition to the rate of orders "NS" concerning clopidogrel, the Decision is based on the recognition of "a atypical evolution of the market of clopidogrel "196 as evidence of the character so-called denigrating of the information communicated by Sanofi-Aventis France:

"The market data are constituted an atypical evolution of the market of the ctopidogret after
the introduction of generics in the fall 2009, by report has the trajectory observed usually in the framework of the g{merification of a medicinal product princeps.

( ... ) the false of generification in volume of the Plavixâ® has increased very significantly in the first few months of introduction of generics,To achieve a pius has 67, 90 per cent in the month of March 2010. This false of generification then decreased regutierement : during the month of August 2011, it amounted to only 61.53 %. " 197

372. Once again, the Decision is simply to note the evolution of the generification of
Plavix, without demonstrating how Sanofi-Aventis France would be at the origin of this evolution.

373. Gold specifically,Sanofi-Aventis France cannot be the cause of this situation because:

the penetration of generics has been good during the entire period of practices allt§guees and has begun to decline very slightly that several months after the end of
practices in question (3.1 ) ;

other factors, external has Sanofi-Aventis France and subsequent to the judgment of the relevant practices,Have had an influence evident that the Decision could not deny (3.2 ) ;
the sharp increase of the substitution has the following financial incentives data to pharmacists in April 2012 is proof that" the risk aversion of professionals of
Health" invoked by the Decision is a fallacious argument face to the interventions of the Public Authorities and has the refance of substitution by a financial incentive increased (3.3 ) .

3.1 The penetration of generics has been good during the entire period of the alleged practices has Sanofi-Aventis France and has begun to decline very slightly that
several months after their end

374.From the commercialization of the first generic clopidogrelle October 8, 2009, there is a massive entry of on generics which is accompanied by a rapid evolution of the rate of substitution of Plavix by the generic, as shown in chart 1 below and this was not disputed by the Decision:
"( ...)The rate of generification in volume of the Plavixâ® has increased very significantly in your first month of introduction of generics, to achieve a pius was 67.90 per cent in the month of March 2010. " 198

196 Decision, pt. 223.
197 Decision, pt. 223.
198 Decision, pt. 223.

En cours de traduction, veuillez patienter...
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