Tu es entrée dans mon cœur comme un rayon de soleil,En m'apportant tou traduction - Tu es entrée dans mon cœur comme un rayon de soleil,En m'apportant tou Anglais comment dire

Tu es entrée dans mon cœur comme un

Tu es entrée dans mon cœur comme un rayon de soleil,

En m'apportant toute la sincérité que j'espérais,

Tu as comblé l'immense vide de mes sentiments,

En me permettant de me sentir aimé en retour.
Comment comprendre ce doux sentiment
Qui nous envahit l'un l'autre,
Cette sensation qui ensemble nous transporte,
Et qui chaque instant nous unit.
Tu habilles mon âme de ses plus beaux habits,
Ton visage illumine ma vie de ses sourires,
Et en effleurant le subtil souffle de tes lèvres,
La vie me fait son plus beau cadeau

A la femme de ma vie ;

Tout a commencé quand nos regards se sont croisés,

Tu as renversé mon cœur, tu l’as fait chavirer.

Un vent d'amour m'a fait perdre la tête.
Notre histoire est née pour ne pas qu'elle s'arrête.
Notre amour grandit de jour en jour.
Dans tes bras je pars m'envoler dans un monde doux et sucré.
Chaque retrouvaille déchaîne mon émoi.
Chaque enlacement m'attire vers toi.
Chaque bisou stimule mon amour.
Chaque regard fait fondre mon cœur.
Tel un soleil, tu brûles tout autour de toi, rien ne te résiste,
La glace devient vapeur, tes yeux étincelant me laissent sans voix.
Je me laisse doucement envahir par ta chaleur.
Telle une musique, tu es les battements de mon cœur,
Je me laisse bercer par tes bras, si doux, si fort à la fois,
Tes notes montent en force et retombent en douceur,
Ton rythme devient le mien, tu prends possession de moi.

Pour toi ma femme ;

Je t’écris ses mots je t’écris ses lettres

Je t’écris mon bonheur je te le dessine sur tes lèvres

Je te décris ma vie je te dédicace mon cœur

Si loin de toi ma vie est pleine de malheurs

Je t’offre mes nuits je t’offre mes jours

Je t’offre mon âme je t’offre mon amour

Avec mes poèmes je t'invente un royaume

Je créerai notre empire pour te protéger ma vie

Pour que tu sois la déesse de mes nuits

Mon chemin vers le paradis.

Grace à toi mon amour ;

Grace à tes yeux de rêve qui me font mourir d'amour,

Je ressens une paix éternelle…

Avec ton magnifique sourire je voyage dans les pays les plus beaux…

De tes baisers, je m'enivrée de tes caresses,
Je peux plus me passé, et dans tes bras je veux rester…
Toi et moi nous faisons plus qu'un,
Nous sommes faits l'un pour l'autre mon trésor…
J'ai tant espéré qu'un jour quelqu'un comme toi m'aimerai…
Maintenant j'ai l'impression de rêver, et si c'est un rêve,
Je veux plus me réveiller…
Être totalement à toi, ça c'est ce que j'aime par dessus tout,
Et imaginer toute ma vie avec toi, j'adore sa…
Avec toi je veux rester toute ma vie, et même bien après mon amour…
Tu sais chérie, t’es mon ange à moi,
Mon rayon de soleil,
Et je veux a tout prix que tu saches que,
Je t'aime..!!

Autres poèmes :

Je garde que ces yeux tels
l’arc- en –ciel,

Surtout le marron, la couleur du miel,

Je la vois toujours même en sommeil,

Comme on voit les rayons du soleil,

Ton sourire révèle Ta modestie,

Ta spontanéité et Ta sympathie,

Comment oublier donc Ton regard,

Oublier tout mais jamais Ton art,

Le destin nous a conduits enfin,

Vers la chute, le déclin et la fin,

D’une histoire invraisemblable,

Mais quelle ! Morale à cette fable,

Le départ semble ennuyeux,

On ne croit pas même nos yeux,

Dure de dire au revoir et adieu,

A qui un jour était notre joyeux.

Je m'en fous si je meurs demain, j'irai tout de suite au paradis,

Car tu m'as embrassé.

Je veux tout faire avec toi, même le repassage.

Toi et personne d’autre. Je n’ai pas envie de te lâcher,

J’ai envie que tu fasses partie de moi.

Ta beauté extérieure m’a attiré vers toi mais

C’est ta beauté intérieure qui m’a retenu.

Je te le montre de mon mieux,

Jamais je n'avais ressenti autant d'amour,

Amour croissant chaque jour,

Je veux que tu sache maintenant et pour toujours,

Que ma vie sans toi c'est désormais impossible mon amour,

Tu es toute ma vie,

Tu m'es essentielle,

Je t'aime ma chérie,

Que cet amour soit éternel
Toi mon ange,

Toi pour qui je vis,

Toi, a qui je pense,

Toi ma chérie,

Je veux que tu saches,

Sache toute l'importance que tu as à mes yeux,

Jamais je ne le cache,

Toi la gardienne de mon cœur

Toi qui sais détourner mes peurs,

Entre amour et jalousie

Tu es la douceur de mavie…

Pour toi je partirais en guerre

Je ferais le tour de la terre,

Si tu étais enlevé loin de moi

Ce que je suis je te le doit…

Tu m’envahie du soir au matin

Je veux sentir tout ces câlins,

Je te veux à chaque levée du jour

Je te veux près de moi pour toujours…

Tu sais me dévoiler tes charmes

Près de toi je perds toutes mes armes,

Pour toi mon cœur est le plus pur

Mon amour n’a aucune mesure…

Je rêve de ta complicité

De ne plus jamais te quitter,

Mon cœur te laisse approcher

Tu là, apprends à le garder…

Je ne peux cesser de t’aimer

Tu es tout ce que j’ai souhaité,

Tout ce que j’ai toujours rêvé

Je ne pourrais jamais te laisser.

Tu es entré dans mon cœur,

Comme le soleil dans une journée,

Car tu as complètement changé ma vie.

Maintenant je n'ai qu'une seule peur,

Celle de te perdre...

Mais pourtant,

Je m'accroche à chaque moment

Dont tu es présent,

Et qui sera pour moi inoubliable,

Pour le reste de ma vie.

Tu es mon soleil,

Celle qui éclaire mes jours et mes nuits...

Tu es mon souffle,

Celle qui m'a redonné la vie.

Tu es mon arc-en-ciel,

Celle qui me fait voir la vie de mille couleurs.

Tu es mon essentiel,

Celle que j'ai tans recherché.

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
You are in my heart as a ray of sunshine,Bringing me all sincerity I was hopingYou have filled the immense void of my feelings,Allowing me to feel loved in return.How to understand this sweet feelingThat invades one anotherThis feeling that all transports us,.And that every moment unites us.You dress my soul with her most beautiful clothes,Your face lights up my life of her smiles,And by tapping the subtle breath of your lips,Life makes me the most beautiful giftAt the woman of my life;It all started when our eyes crossed, You have spilled my heart, you did capsize. A wind of love made me lose the head. Our history is born for not that it stops. Our love grows from day to day.In your arms I assume fly me in a world soft and sweet. Each retrouvaille unleashes my excitement. Each hug attracts me towards you. Each Kiss stimulates my love. Every look melts my heart. As a Sun, you burn all around you, nothing you resist. The ice becomes vapor, your sparkling eyes leave me speechless. I gently let me invade your heat.Such music, you are my heart beats, I let myself be lulled by your arms, so sweet, so hard at the same time. Your notes are force and fall smoothly, Your rhythm becomes mine, you take possession of me.For you my wife.I write his words I write her lettersI'm writing my happiness I draw you on your lipsI will describe my life I will dedicate my heartSo far from you my life is full of woeI offer you my nights I offer you my daysI offer you my soul I offer you my loveWith my poems I invent you a KingdomI'll create our empire to protect you with my lifeSo you are the goddess of my nightsMy path to paradise.Thanks to you my love;Thanks to your dream eyes that make me die from love, I feel eternal peace...With your beautiful smile I travel in the most beautiful country...Of your kisses, I me drunk your caresses,I can me past, and in your arms I want to stay...You and me we do more than one,We are made for the other my treasure...I both hoped that one day someone like you love me...Now I have the impression to dream, and if it is a dream,I want to wake more...Be totally yours, ca thats what I like above all,.And imagine my life with you, I love her...With you I want to stay all my life, and even well after my love...You know Darling, you're my Angel to me,.My ray of sunshine,And I want at any price that you know that,I love you..!!Other poems:I keep these such eyes arc - en - ciel,.Mostly brown, the color of honey,I see it still even in sleep,As you can see the rays of the Sun,Your smile reveals your modesty,Your spontaneity and your sympathy,How so forget your gaze,Forget everything but never your art,Fate led us finally,To fall, the decline and the end.An unlikely story,But what! Moral to this tale,Departure seems boring,Not believed even our eyes,Hard to say goodbye and farewell,Who one day was our happy.I dont care if I die tomorrow, I will go immediately to heaven, Because you have kissed me.I want to do everything with you, even the ironing.You and no one else. I did not want to let go you, I want you to do part of me.Your outer beauty drew me to you butIt is your inner beauty that caught me. I show you my bestNever I had felt so much love,Growing love every day,I want you to know now and forever,My life without you is now impossible my love,.You are my lifeYou are to me essential,I love you my darlingThat this love is eternalYou my Angel,You for whom I live,You, which I think,.You my darling,I want you to know,Know the importance you have in my eyes,Never I don't cache,You the guardian of my heartYou who know divert my fears,Between love and jealousyYou are the sweetness of Frank...For you I'd go to warI would circle the Earth,If you was removed away from meWhat I am I is to you...You me invaded from the evening to the morningI want to feel all these hugs,I want you to each lift of the dayI want you near me forever...You know reveal me your charmsClose to you I lose all my weapons,For you my heart is pureMy love has no action...I dream of your complicityDon't ever you leave,My heart let you approachYou then learn to keep...I can't stop loving youYou're all that I wanted,What I've always dreamedI could never leave you.You are entered in my heart,Like the Sun in a day,Because you have completely changed my life.Now I have one fear,To lose you...Yet,.I cling to every momentWhich you are present,And who will be for me unforgettableFor the rest of my life.You are my Sun,That light up my days and my nights...You are my breath,That gave back me life.You are my Rainbow,That makes me see the life of thousand colors.You are my EssentialsOne I have tans sought.I YOU LOVE FOR LIFE.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]

You came in my heart as a ray of sun, bringing me in all sincerity that I hoped, You have bestowed the vast emptiness of my feelings, by allowing me to feel loved in return. How to understand this sweet feeling Who we invaded other, this feeling that carries us all, And every moment that unites us. You dressed my soul with his best clothes, your face lights up my life smiles, And by touching the subtle breath your lips, Life made ​​me his greatest gift To the woman of my life all started when our eyes met, You spilled my heart, you have capsized. A wind of love made ​​me crazy. Our history is born not it stops. Our love growing day by day. In your arms I'm going to fly away in a gentle and sweet world. Each reunion unleashed my excitement. Every embrace m 'attracts to you. Every kiss stimulates my love. Every look melts my heart. Like a sun you burn everything around you, nothing can resist you, ice becomes steam, your sparkling eyes leave me speechless. I let myself Gently overwhelmed by your warmth. Like a music, you're the beating of my heart, I let myself be lulled by your arms, so sweet, so strong at once, Your grades rise in strength and fall smoothly, Your rhythm becomes mine , you take possession of me. For you my wife; I write his words I write her letters I write my happiness I will draw on your lips I will describe my life I dedicate my heart to you so far from you my life is full of miseries I offer my nights I offer my life I offer my soul I offer my love with my poems I'll invent a kingdom I will create our empire to protect you my life To you're the goddess of my nights My Way to Paradise. Thanks to you my love; Grace to your dream eyes that make me die of love, I feel an eternal peace ... With your beautiful smile I travel the country most beautiful ... From your kisses, I drunk with your touch, I can more past me, in your arms I want to stay ... You and I do more than one, we are made ​​for each other my treasure ... I so hoped that one day someone like you will love me ... Now I like a dream, and if it's a dream, I want to wake up ... more Be totally to you, it it's what I love above all, and imagine my life with you, I love her ... With you I want to stay all my life, and even though my love ... You know darling, you're my angel to me, my sunshine, And I want at all costs to let you know that I love you .. !! Other poems: I keep those eyes like the rainbow -ciel, especially the brown color honey, I see still even sleep As we see the sun, Your smile reveals Ta modesty, Ta Ta spontaneity and sympathy, how then forget Your look, but never forget all thy art, Fate has brought us finally , By the fall, the decline and end, one unlikely story, but what! Moral to this fable, The departure seems boring, It does not even believe our eyes, Hard to say goodbye and farewell, Who was our one day joyful. I do not care if I die tomorrow, I will go immediately in paradise, because you kissed me. I want to do everything with you, even ironing. You and nobody else. I did not want to let you go, I want you to do part of me. Your outer beauty attracted me to you but it's your inner beauty that held me. I will do my best shows , I had never felt so much love, love growing every day, I want you to know now and forever, let my life without you is impossible now my love, You are my life, You are me essential, I love you darling, That this love is eternal You, my angel, I live for You, You, to whom I think, You my dear, I want you to know, Know the importance you have to my eyes, I never hides, Toi the guardian of my heart, You who can take my fear, between love and jealousy You are the sweetness of mavie ... For you I'd go to war I would circle the earth, if you were removed from me What I am I owe you ... You invaded me from evening to morning I want to feel all those hugs, I want you at every daybreak I want you with me forever ... You know me reveal your charms Near you I lose all my weapons, For you my heart is the purest My love has no action ... I dream of your complicity De never leave you, My heart leaves you approach you then learn to keep ... I can not stop loving you You're everything I wanted, all I've ever dreamed I could never leave. you You entered my heart, like the sun in a day, for thou have completely changed my life. Now I have only one fear, That of losing you ... But yet I cling to every moment of which you are present, and that will be unforgettable for me, for the rest of my life. You are my sunshine, one that illuminates my days and nights ... You are my breath, one who gave me life. You're my rainbow sky, one that makes me see life thousand colors. You are my essential one I wanted tans. I LOVE YOU FOR LIFE.

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]

Thou art entry in my court as a ray of sunshine,

me with all the sincerity that I was hoping,

Thou hast filled the enormous vacuum of my feelings,

in allowing me to feel loved in return.
How understand this soft feeling
which we invaded one the other,
This sensation which together we transported,
and that each moment unites us.
Thou dressed my soul of its most beautiful clothes,
Thy face illuminated my life of his smiles,
and by touching the subtle breath of thy lips,
The life makes me sound more beautiful gift

has the woman of my life ;pretender it all began when our eyes are crossed,

Thou hast overthrown my heart, thou hast done capsize.

A wind of love made me lose the head.
Our history is born for not that it stops.
Our love grows by the day.
In your arms i'm leaving me fly into a world soft and sugar.
Each point out unleashed my trepidation.
Each writing words, words, and more draw me to thee.
Each kiss stimulated my love.
Each next melts my heart.
such a sun you burned all around thee, nothing te resisted,
ice becomes steam, thine eyes gleaming leave me without voice.
i leaves me gently invade by thy heat.
Such a music, thou art the beats of my heart,
i deluded themselves by thine arm, if mild, if fort at the time,
Thy notes rise in force and fall smoothly,
Thy pace becomes mine, thou take possession of me.pretender For thee my wife ;

I write to you his words I write to you his letters

I write to you my happiness i te the draws on thy lips

i te describe my life i te autographed my court

If far from thee my life is full of misfortunes

I offer thee my nights I offer thee my days

I offer thee my soul I offer thee my love

With my poems i invented thee a kingdom

I'll create our empire for te protect my life

for that thou be the goddess of my nights

My path to the paradise.

Grace to thee my love ;pretender grace in thine eyes of dream which make me die of love,

I feel an eternal peace ...

with thy beautiful smile I travel in the country the most beautiful etc.

of thy kisses, i am elated to thy caress,
i can more past me, and in your arms i want to stay ...
thee and me we are doing more than a,
We are made one for the other my treasure ...
I as a hope that one day someone like you'd like me etc.
Now I have the impression from dreaming,And if it is a dream,
I want more wake me ...
be totally to thee, ca This is what I love above all,
and imagine all my life with thee, i love its…
with thee I want to stay all my life, and even well after my love ...
thou know Cherie, t'es my angel to me,
My ray of sunshine,
and I want to at any price that thou mayest know that,
I love you.. !!

other poems:

I care that these eyes such
The CRA- in -sky,

especially the brown, the color of honey,

I am still even in sleep,

as one sees the sun rays,

Your smile reveals Thy modesty,

Ta spontaneity and thy sympathy,

How forget therefore thy sight,

forget everything but never Thy art,

The destiny has brought us finally,

toward the fall, the decline and the end,

a story,

but what!Moral to this fable,

The departure seems boring,

We do not believe even our eyes,

Hard to say goodbye and farewell,

HAS which one day was our merry.

i don't care if I die tomorrow, I will go immediately to paradise,

Because thou hast kissed.

I want to do everything with thee, even the ironing.

Thou and nobody else. I do not envy of te release,

I envy that thou mayest make part of me.

Ta outer beauty attracted me to thee but

This is thy inner beauty which i was detained.

i te the shows my best,

i have never felt so much love,

Love growing each day,

I want you know now and for always,

that my life without thee it is now impossible my love,

Thou art my entire life,

thou to me essential,

I love you ma cherie,

that this love is eternal
Thee my angel,

thee for which i bolts,

thee, has which i think,

Thee my cherie,

I want to that thou mayest know,

knows the importance that thou hast in my eyes,

i never do the cache,

thee the guardian of my heart

thee who know divert my fears,

between love and jealousy

Thou art the softness of mavie ...

For thee i rearranged in war

I would do the tour of the earth,

If thou wast removed far from me

what i am I pray thee the must ...

Thou me invaded from evening to morning

I want to feel all these hugs,

i want thee to each lifting of the day

i te want to close to me for always ...

Thou know disclose to me thy charms

near thee I lose all my weapons,

For thee my heart is the most pure

My love has no measure ...

I have a dream of thy complicity

never more te exit,

My court te leaves approaching

thou here, learn to keep ...

I cannot cease to love you

Thou art everything that I wished,

Everything that I have always dreamed

I could never leave thee.

Tu es between in my court,

As the sun in a day,

Because thou hast completely changed my life.

Now I have only one fear,

That of te lose ...

but yet,

i am clinging to each time

which thou art present,

And who will be for me unforgettable,

For the rest of my life.

Thou art my sun,

The One who lit up my days and my nights ...

Thou art my breath,

The One who gave me back life.

Thou art my arc-en-ciel,

The One that makes me see the life of thousand colors.

Thou art my essential,

The One that I have tans search.

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Autres langues
l'outil d'aide à la traduction: Afrikaans, Albanais, Allemand, Amharique, Anglais, Arabe, Arménien, Azéri, Basque, Bengali, Birman, Biélorusse, Bosniaque, Bulgare, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinois, Chinois traditionnel, Cingalais, Corse, Coréen, Croate, Créole haïtien, Danois, Détecter la langue, Espagnol, Espéranto, Estonien, Finnois, Français, Frison, Galicien, Gallois, Gaélique (Écosse), Grec, Gujarati, Géorgien, Haoussa, Hawaïen, Hindi, Hmong, Hongrois, Hébreu, Igbo, Irlandais, Islandais, Italien, Japonais, Javanais, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Kurde, Laotien, Latin, Letton, Lituanien, Luxembourgeois, Macédonien, Malaisien, Malayalam, Malgache, Maltais, Maori, Marathi, Mongol, Norvégien, Néerlandais, Népalais, Odia (oriya), Ouzbek, Ouïgour, Pachtô, Panjabi, Persan, Philippin, Polonais, Portugais, Roumain, Russe, Samoan, Serbe, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhî, Slovaque, Slovène, Somali, Soundanais, Suédois, Swahili, Tadjik, Tamoul, Tatar, Tchèque, Telugu, Thaï, Turc, Turkmène, Ukrainien, Urdu, Vietnamien, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yorouba, Zoulou, indonésien, Traduction en langue.

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