Bah voilà bébé je t'écris ce petit mot pour te dire que tu est. La fem traduction - Bah voilà bébé je t'écris ce petit mot pour te dire que tu est. La fem Anglais comment dire

Bah voilà bébé je t'écris ce petit

Bah voilà bébé je t'écris ce petit mot pour te dire que tu est. La femme. de ma vie et pour faire parler mon petit coeur.
Quand tu sens qu'une personne c'est elle et pas d'autres que cette personne elle a cru en toi elle t'a fais revenir dans le droit chemin qu'elle t'a tendu la main, qu'elle t'a promit de t'aimer.
Tu es cette personne mon ange, oui tu l'es et tu as pris tellement de place dans ma petite vie que maintenant je ne peux me passer de toi, c'est pour toi que je vis, Même parmi 1 000 000 de personnes et même aveugle c'est toi que je vois les autres je les renvois balader toi seul fais briller mes yeux.
Chaque moment où je te vois waw je me sens si heureuse, et protégé dans tes bras quand tu m'embrasses j'ai comme l'impression que le temps s'arrête et qu'il ne reste que nous deux sur Terre.
En tout cas ce que je voulais te dire c'est que je t'aime je t'aime à la folie je t'aime comme ce n'est plus permis je t'aime à l'infini. Ma vie je ne l’imagine pas sans toi.
Mon avenir c'est avec toi que je me l'imagine, on vit un rêve bleu ton magnifique sourire reflète ta beauté divine, tu es le seul qui compte pour moi, je ne pensais pas aimer autant.
Je ne veux pas te perdre loin de toi je me sens mal si je te pers je regretterai de ne pas t'avoir dit à quel point je t'aime.
Te rendre heureux est ma priorité
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
Bah this baby I am writing this little word to tell you that you are. The woman. of my life and to talk about my little heart. When you feel that a person is she and not others that the person she believed in toi she you do return to the right path that it has stretched you hand, she promised you love. You're this person my Angel, yes tu es and you have taken so much place in my little life now I can pass me from you, it's for you that I saw, even among 1,000,000 people and even blind it's you I see others I references walk you alone make shine my eyes. Each time where I see you waw I feel so happy and secure in your arms when you kiss me I like the impression that time stops and there is that we both on Earth. In any case I wanted to tell you it is that I love you I love you madly I love you like it is permitted I love you infinity. My life I can not imagine him without you. My future is with you that I myself imagine, we saw a blue dream your beautiful smile reflects your divine beauty, you are the only one that matters to me, I didn't love as much. I do not want to lose you far from you I feel bad if I you people I will regret not having told you how much I love you. Make you happy is my priority < 3 every seconds every morning every night every day it's you that I see in my path. I love you. I. love you for. The life. And eternity
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
Well baby here I am writing you this short note to tell you that you are. The woman. of my life and to speak my little heart.
When you feel that a person she is and not others that the person she believed she took you in you fry it in the right way t ' reached out, she promised to love thee. you
You are my angel this person, yes you are, and you took up so much space in my little life that now I can not live without you, it's for you I live, even among one million blind people and even it's you I see other references I walk you alone wilt light my eyes.
Every time I see you I feel so waw happy and secure in your arms when you kiss me I have the impression that time has stopped and there are only two of us on Earth.
Anyway what I wanted to say is that I love I love to madness you I love you as you are no longer allowed I love you to infinity. My life I can not imagine it without you.
My future is with you as I imagine they saw a blue dream your beautiful smile reflects your divine beauty, you're the only one that matters to me, I thought not like so much.
I do not want to lose you away from you I feel bad if I people I regret not telling you how much I love you.
You make them happy is my priority <3 seconds each every morning every night every day it's you I see in my way. I love you. I. love you. Life. And eternity

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
Bah that is baby I write to you this small word to say to thee that thou is. The woman. in my life and to speak my little heart.
When you sense that a person that is it and no other that this person she has believed in thee she brought thee am return in the right path that it thee has stretched out the hand, that she hath promised to love you.
Thou art this person my angel,
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