à une fermeté et reprise exceptionnelles après chaque tour, ce qui fac traduction - à une fermeté et reprise exceptionnelles après chaque tour, ce qui fac Anglais comment dire

à une fermeté et reprise exceptionn

à une fermeté et reprise exceptionnelles après chaque tour, ce qui facilite le travail de l’Artisan :
- Gain de temps : possibilité de donner 3 tours en 3 successifs sans repos.
- Aspect extra sec du beurre au toucher et par conséquent de la pâte facilite le façonnage des croissants.
- Pas besoin de fariner le tapis du laminoir car la pâte n’est pas collante.

Régulier toute l’année… grâce à notre savoir-faire dans la sélection et l’assemblage des matières premières.
Extra Rendement & Économie… grâce à son rendement supérieur par rapport à un beurre ordinaire
en plaque ou bloc, il est le beurre le plus compétitif du marché.
Les tests comparatifs sous contrôle d’Huissier montrent qu’avec 5 plaques de 2kg de Corman Beurre Extra,
l’Artisan fait plus de croissants :
+ 20 croissants
+ 20€ de Chiffre d’Affaire
En effet, sa texture unique lui permet de garder sa forme lors du passage au laminoir et de résister à l’élasticité et la rétraction des pâtes.

Goût de Beurre Extra… grâce à notre sélection des matières premières et à son point de fusion modéré.
Contrairement aux beurres en plaques concurrents aux points de fusion plus élevés, il offre saveur et fondance en bouche

Résultat final de qualité supérieure garanti à tous les coups : des croissants extra au feuilletage exceptionnel, délicieusement croustillants et savoureux pour le plaisir des clients.
Grâce à son émulsion plus fine, il n’y a pas de perte d’eau au travail du Beurre Extra de Corman.
À l’inverse, les beurres barattés perdent de l’eau, ce qui entraîne des risques au niveau microbiologique
et qualité des produits finis.
En effet, le beurre humidifie la pâte et se répartit de façon moins homogène.
Résultat : des croissants moins bien développés, au feuilletage irrégulier.

Emballage pratique et hygiénique : Contrairement à la majorité des beurres en plaques concurrents emballés dans de l’aluminium,
nos plaques sont emballées dans un complexe qui ne se déchire pas à l’ouverture
et peut être réutilisé pour emballer les pâtons et ainsi éviter leur croûtage.
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
with firmness and exceptional recovery after each round, which facilitates the work of the craftsman:
- saving time opportunity to give 3 rounds in 3 successive restless
- extra dry appearance of butter to the touch and therefore. shaping the dough facilitates increasing.
- No need to flour the carpet mill because the dough is not sticky

.regularly throughout the year ... thanks to our expertise in the selection and assembly of raw materials.
extra performance & Economy ... thanks to his superior compared to ordinary butter
plate or block performance, it is butter the most competitive market.
comparative tests under supervision of a bailiff show with five plates 2kg extra corman butter
the craftsman is growing more:
20 € increasing turnover
indeed, its unique texture allows it to keep its shape during the transition to stand and resist the elasticity and retraction of pasta.

taste extra butter ... through our selection of raw materials and its low-melting.
unlike competitors in butter plates with higher melting points, it offers flavor and melting texture in the mouth

final result guaranteed top quality every time: extra croissants exceptional lamination, deliciously crisp and tasty for guests' enjoyment.
Thanks to its finer emulsionthere is no loss of water to work extra butter corman.
In contrast, the churned butter lose water, causing risk microbiologically
and quality of finished products.
Indeed, butter moistens the dough and distributes a less homogeneous.
Result: growing less well developed at irregular foliation
.practical and hygienic packaging: Unlike most competitors in butter plates wrapped in aluminum foil,
our plates are packed in a complex that does not tear at the opening
and can be reused for wrapping dough and avoid their crust.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
a firmness and exceptional after each round cover, which facilitates the work of the craftsman:
-saving time: possibility to give 3 laps in 3 successive without rest.
-dry extra Aspect of the butter to the touch and therefore the dough facilitates shaping of croissants.
- No need to flour mill carpet because the dough is not sticky.

Regular throughout the year... thanks to our know-how in the selection and Assembly of raw materials
Extra performance & economy... through its superior performance compared to a regular butter
plate or block, it is the most competitive market butter
bailiff-controlled comparative tests show with 5 plates of 2 kg of Corman butter Extra,
. the craftsman made most croissants:
20 croissants
€20 of turnover
indeed, its unique texture allows it to keep its shape during the transition to the mill and to resist the elasticity and shrinkage of pasta.

taste of butter Extra... thanks to our selection of raw materials and its melting point moderate.
. Unlike competing sclerosis butters to higher melting points, it offers flavor and fondance in the mouth

top quality end result guaranteed every time: extra croissants to exceptional lamination, delightfully crisp and tasty for the pleasure of customers.
Thanks to its fine emulsion, There's no loss of water to the work of the Corman Extra butter.
In contrast, seasoning butters lose water, resulting in risks to the microbiological level
and quality of finished products.
Indeed, butter moistens the batter and spread less evenly.
Result: less well developed croissants, to irregular lamination.

Practical and hygienic packaging: Unlike the majority of competitors sclerosis butters packaged in aluminum,
our plates are packed in a complex that does not tear opening
and can be reused for packing the dough pieces and thus avoid their crusting.
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
To a firmness and exceptional recovery after each turn, which facilitated the work of the craftsman :
- saving time: possibility to give 3 turns in 3 successive without rest.
- Aspect extra dry of the butter to the touch and therefore of the dough facilitates the shaping of the croissants.
- No need to flour the carpet of the mill because the dough is not sticky.

Regular throughout the year ... thanks to our know-how in the selection and assembly of raw materials.
Extra Performance Economy & ¦ thanks to its superior performance compared to a regular butter
in plate or block, it is butter the more competitive the market.
The comparative tests under control of Usher show that with 5 plates of 2kg of Corman Butter Extra,
The Artisan made more croissants :
20 croissants
20euros of turnover
indeed, its unique texture allows him to keep its shape during the transition to the mill and to resist the elasticity and retracting the blocks.

taste of butter Extra ¦ thanks to our selection of raw materials and to its melting point of moderate.
Unlike the butters in plates competitors to the melting points higher, it offers flavor and fondance in mouth

final result of superior quality guaranteed to all shots: croissants extra to the flipping through exceptional, deliciously crispy and tasty for the pleasure of the guests.
Thanks to its emulsion more fine,There is no loss of water to the work of the butter Extra of Corman.
On the other hand, the butters barattes lose water, resulting in the risks at the level microbiological
and quality of finished products.
Indeed, the butter moistened the dough and was evenly divided less homogeneous.
Result: croissants less well developed, the flipping through irregular.

Packaging convenient and hygienic: Unlike the majority of butters in plates competitors packed in aluminum,
our plates are packed in a complex that will not tear at the opening
and can be reused to wrap the dough balls and thus avoid their crusting.
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