Mon amour et ma vie…belles lettres d'amour pour sa femme J’étais toujo traduction - Mon amour et ma vie…belles lettres d'amour pour sa femme J’étais toujo Anglais comment dire

Mon amour et ma vie…belles lettres

Mon amour et ma vie…
belles lettres d'amour pour sa femme J’étais toujours le meilleur qui joue le rôle d’apprendre aux autres comment sourire, et je pense que c’est pour ça que tout le monde aime me raconter leurs histoires et problèmes.
Mais moi et comme je te l’ai dit je ne sentais jamais que j’ai besoin d’amis ou d’une personne pour la raconter ce que j’ai, à ce temps là je me sentais toujours perdu quand je ne trouve pas ce que je veux exactement et que je sache que même si je trouve ce que je veux, ce dernier n’existe pas chez les autres…
Et voilà, tu es venu et tu m’as donné la réponse la plus simple, tous ce qu’il me manquait c’est d’être aimer, c’est apprendre à pleurer et à vivre, c’est apprendre à être un être humain normal; et plus que ça tu m’as offert ces choses là qui me manquait: un amour éternel, blanc, sincère, pure et innocent ainsi que tu m’as bien appris comment être moi même…
C’est pour ça je te le dis: « Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi », tu as donné la vie à ma vie, tu as donné la vie à ce cœur qui bat au rythme du tien, tu as donné la vie à cette sourire que dessinait souvent sur ma bouche mais pour aucun sens…
Mais maintenant, tu es loin, donc je ne vis pas, mon cœur ne bat plus, je pleure comme un bébé qui veut sa mère; je trouve que je suis complètement perdu entre une vie très cruelle et sans pitié et entre un paradis et un bonheur loin de moi. Je ne sais pas comment te décrire à quel point j’ai besoin de toi maintenant plus qu’avant, à quel point tu manques à toute ma vie vide sans toi…
Tu es la seule dans ce monde qui a pris ma main et m’a sauvé de moi même, la seule qui a pu me montrer où ce trouve la joie et le bonheur de cette vie, la seule qui a pu guérir tous mes blessures que je cachais toute ma vie de peur de paraître faible, la seule qui a pu me comprendre et comprendre ma langue que j’appelais « folie », la seule qui m’aime vraiment malgré que tu connais mais tous mes défauts, la seule qui m’écoute qui me comprend qui me sent et qui m’aide vraiment, toi seulement ,la seule qui m’a vraiment aimé pour ce que je suis et non pas pour ce que j’ai
Après tous ça, et après que je t’ai trouvé je ne vais jamais t’abandonner où abandonner la nouvelle vie que tu m’as offert; je t’aime et cet amour est devenu plus qu’un but c’est devenu ma raison d’exister, alors je veux que tu saches que si je vis maintenant et si j’existe c’est seulement grâce et pour toi…
Parfois quand je pense à ce que tu m’as offert, et quand je regarde la personne que je suis devenu grâce à toi, je ne trouve pas quoi dire ou quoi faire pour te remercier, tous ce que je peux te dire que là dans ce petit cœur, qui est né le jour où je t’ai vu, il y a un très grand amour qui grandit jour après jour, des sentiments géants qui sont comme un volcan qui explose parfois en larmes qui mouillent mon oreillette et quelque fois tout mon lit, alors je te promets que je ferais mon possible pour être un bon mari et à la fois un frère un ami et un père comme tu l’es maintenant pour moi, je ferais mon possible à t’offrir la belle vie dont tu rêves, je te promets d’être toujours à tes côtés, pleurer quand tu pleures et sourire quand tu souris, à tes côtés pour t’écouter, te sentir, te comprendre et te prendre entre mes bras pour que tu sentes la chaleur de cet amour que tu as planté dans ma poitrine et qui fait battre mon cœur. Te prendre entre mes bras avec toutes mes forces pour que tu sentes qu’il y a un vrai homme que son premier et dernier but est te voir sourire et heureuse, te prendre entre mes bras pour te faire oublier toute tes souffrances et blessures, te prendre entre mes bras jusqu’à ce que tu sentes que tu n’as besoin de rien dans cette vie, te prendre entre mes bras pour que tu sens à quel point je t’aime, te prendre entre mes bras pour que tu seras fière de l’homme que je suis devenu
Je t’aime mon bébé, et s’il y a une chose de bien en moi ou en ma vie sache que c’est grâce à toi…
Ton amour né le jour où il t’a aimé
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
My love and my life...beautiful letters of love for his wife I was always the best who plays the role of teach others how to smile, and I think that's why everyone likes to tell me their stories and problems. But me and as I said you I never felt that I need friends or someone for telling it what I have, at this time there I felt always lost when I find not what I want exactly and I know that even if I find what I want, the latter exists not in others...And here, you came and you gave me the simplest answer, all that I was missing it is to love, is to learn to cry and to live, is to learn to be a normal human being; and more than that you have offered me these things which missed me: a love everlasting, white, sincere, pure and innocent as you well taught me how to be myself...That's why I say: "I can't live without you", you gave life to my life, you gave life to this heart that beats to the rhythm of yours, you gave life to this smile that often drew on my mouth but to no sense...But now you're far away, so I don't live, my heart beats more, I cry like a baby who wants his mother; I find that I am completely lost between a very cruel life and without mercy and a paradise and happiness away from me. I do not know how describe you how I need you now more that before, at which point miss you at my empty life without you...You are the only one in this world who took my hand and saved me from myself, the only one that could show me where is the joy and happiness of this life, the only one that was able to heal all my wounds that I hid my life fear of appearing weak, the only one who could understand me and understand my language that I called "madness". , the only one who really loves me even though you know but all my faults, the only one who listens to me that includes me who feel and helps me really, you only, the only one that I really liked for what I am and not for what I After all this, and after I found you I will never abandon you when to abandon the new life that you have offered me. I love you and this love became more than a goal it became my reason to exist, then I want you to know that if I live now and I exist it is only grace and for you...Sometimes when I think about what you have offered me, and when I look at the person that I am now thanks to you, I can not find what to say or what to do to thank you, all I can tell you that here in this small heart, which was born on the day where I saw you, there is a very great love that grows day after day giant feelings that are like a volcano that explodes occasionally in tears that wet my headset and some times my bed, then I promise you that I will do my best to be a good husband and both a brother a friend and a father like you GE now for me, I would do my best to offer you the good life which you dream I promise to always be by your side, cry when you cry and smile when you smile, to your side to listen, feel, understand you and take you in my arms so that you feel the warmth of this love that you have planted in my chest and makes my heart beat. Take you between my arms with all my strength so that you feel that there is a real man that his first and final goal is to see you smile and happy, take you between my arms to make you forget all your suffering and injury, take you between my arms until you feel that you don't need anything in this life take you in my arms so you feel how much I love you, take you in my arms so that you'll be proud of the man that I've become I love you my baby, and if there is something good in me or in my life knows that it is thanks to you... Love born the day where he loved you
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
My love and my life ...
beautiful love letters to his wife I was always the best who plays to teach others how to smile, and I think that's why everyone loves to tell me their stories and problems.
But me and as I've told you I never felt that I need friends or someone to tell it what I, at that time I was always lost when I is not exactly what I want and I know that even if I find what I want, it does not exist in others ...
And now, you came and you gave me the simplest answer, all that was missing is to be love is to learn to cry and live is to learn to be a normal human being; and more than that you gave me these things I was missing: an everlasting love, white, sincere, pure and innocent and you taught me how to be well myself ...
That's why I tell you: "I can not live without you," you have given life to my life, you gave life to this heart that beats to the rhythm of yours, you gave life to this smile that often drew on my mouth but no sense ...
But now you're far away, so I did not see, my heart stopped beating, I cry like a baby who wants his mother; I find I'm completely lost between a very cruel and merciless life and between paradise and happiness away from me. I do not know how to describe you now how much I need you more than before, how I miss you in my empty life without you ...
You are alone in this world who took my hand and m ' saved from myself, the only one that was able to show me where this is the joy and happiness of this life, the only one that could heal all my wounds that I was hiding all my life for fear of appearing weak, the only one that could understand me and understand my language I called "madness", the one who really loves me in spite of you know but all my faults, the only one who understands me listen to me smelling me and really helps me, only you, the one who really loved me for who I am and not for what I have
after all this, and after I found you I'll never give up when you abandon the new life you gave me; I love you and that love has become more than a goal it became my reason to exist, then I want you to know that I now live and if I exist, and it is only thanks to you ...
Sometimes when I think that you gave me, and when I look at the person I've become because of you, I do not think what to say or do to thank you, all I can tell you that here in this little heart, born the day I saw you, there is a great love that grows day by day, giant feelings that are like a volcano that sometimes explodes in tears that wet my headset and sometimes all my bed, then I promise I'll do my best to be a good husband and a brother both a friend and a father as you are now for me, I do my best to offer you the good life you dream I promise to always be by your side you, cry when you cry and smile when you smile at your side to listen to you, feel you, understand you and take you in my arms for you to feel the heat of this love that you planted in my chest and that makes my heart beat. You take my arms with all my might for you to feel that there is a real man that his first and last goal is to see you smile and happy to take you in my arms to make you forget all your pains and injuries you take my arms until you to feel that you do not need anything in this life, take you in my arms for you feel how I love you, take you in my arms so that you will be proud man I have become
I love you baby, and if there is something good in me or in my life to know that it is thanks to you ...
Your love born the day he hath loved
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
My love and my life ...
beautiful love letters to his wife I was always the best who played the role of learning to other how to smile, and I think that is for ca that everyone loves me tell their stories and problems.
But me and as I have said I felt had never that i need friends or a person for the recount what I have,At that time I always felt lost when I cannot find what I want exactly and that I know that even if I find what I want, the last does not exist among other, etc.
and that is, thou art come and thou hast given me the simplest answer, all this that it missed me it is to be love, is to learn to cry and to live, is to learn to be a normal human being;And more than that ca me thou hast offered these things there that I was missing: an eternal love, white, sincere, pure and innocent as well as thou hast learned well how to be me even ...
It is for ca i say unto thee: "I cannot live without thee ", thou hast gives life to my life, thou hast gives life to this heart that beats to the rhythm of tien,Thou hast gives life to this smile that backdrop was often on my mouth but for no meaning ...
but now, thou art far away so I do not live, my heart is beating, i cried like a baby who wants his mother; I find that I am completely lost between a life very cruel and callous and between a paradise and a happiness away from me.I do not know how te describe at what point i have need of thee now more than before, at what point you missed in all my life empty without thee etc.
Thou art the only one in this world who has taken my hand and saved me from myself, the only one who was able to demonstrate or this is the joy and happiness of this life,The only one who has been able heal all my wounds that i was hiding my whole life of fear to seem low, the only one who has been able understand me and understand my language that I was calling "madness", the only one who loves me really despite that thou knowest but all my faults, the only one who listens to me who understands me which I can feel and that helps me really, thee only ,The only one I am really loved for what I am and not for what i
after all ca, and after that I have found thee i'll never abandon thee or abandon the new life that thou hast offered; I love you and this love has become more than a goal that has become my reason to exist,Then I want to that thou mayest know that if i screw now and if i exist it is only through and for thee ...
Sometimes when I think of what that me thou hast offered, and when I look at the person that I am become thanks to thee, I do not find what to say or what to do to thank thee, all what I can tell you that here in this small court, which is not the day or thee have I seen,There is a very great love that grows day after day, the feelings giants who are like a volcano that exploded sometimes in tears which anchored my headset and some times all my bed, then I promise you I would do what I could to be a good husband and at the same time a brother a friend and a father as thou the es now for me,I would do my best to offer you a nice life which thou dreams, i te promise to be always at your sides, crying when tu pleures and smile when thou mouse, at your sides to listen to you, te feel, te understand and take thee between my arm for that thou tify the warmth of this love that thou hast planted in my chest and that fact beat my heart.Take thee between my arm with all my strength for that thou tify that there is a true man that his first and last goal is te see smile and happy, take thee between my arms for te to forget any thy suffering and injury, take thee between my arms until thou tify that thou hast need of nothing in this life,Take thee between my arm for that thou meaning to what point i love you, te take between my arm for that thou shalt be proud of the man that I am become
I love you my baby, and if there is one thing of well in me or in my life know that it is thanks to thee ...
Thy love do the day or he loved thee
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