J'ai déjà menti, j'en ai vraiment souffert et j'en souffre encore.C'ét traduction - J'ai déjà menti, j'en ai vraiment souffert et j'en souffre encore.C'ét Anglais comment dire

J'ai déjà menti, j'en ai vraiment s

J'ai déjà menti, j'en ai vraiment souffert et j'en souffre encore.

C'était au collège et je voulais bien m'intégrer et qu'on m'intègre, alors que j'étais nouvelle je voulais faire bonne impression alors j'ai inventé tout un tas de mensonge et quand mes « amis » ont découvert la vérité, tout allais extrêmement mal pour moi. J'avais honte...

Le premier jour n'était pas le pire car je n'avais personne à qui me confier mais un groupe de filles est venu me parler. Elles étaient toutes enfants de personnes haut placé alors que pour ma famille, les mois étaient difficiles... Alors elles me disent toutes que leur mère étaient chanteuses, maires et je ne sais plus trop alors que ma mère était malade et folle. Je ne pouvais pas leur dire sinon je me retrouverai toute seule alors j'ai inventé... Je leur ai dit que ma mère était médecin mais après elles ont commencé à parler de leur père. Moi, mon père est en prison, je leur est donc dit qu'il était mort.

Quelques jour plus tard, en cours, le professeur demande de voir ma mère et je lui ai dit qu'elle travaillait tard à l'hôpital, alors qu'elle était partie à sa séance de toutes les semaines chez son banquier pour des règlements qu'on ne peut pas payer.

Je m'effondre niveau note à l'école mais je n'ose pas le dire à maman parce que j'ai peur de sa réaction. Souvent l'après-midi je partais faire les boutiques avec mes nouvelles copines mais je ne prenais jamais d'argent et elles me demandaient pourquoi. Je leur répondait toujours que mes vêtements venaient d'un créateur.

Un jour pendant les vacances, mon père est revenu, j'étais ravie mais il voulais absolument voir mes professeurs pour leur demander ce qu'était mon comportement mais aussi pour parler de mes notes. Je lui ai dit qu'il y a des réunions spéciales mais qu'elles étaient déjà passées.

A la rentrée, mes amies sont venues me voir pour parler de garçons car il y en avait un qui me plaisait, mais je ne pouvais pas l'approcher de peur de mentir à nouveau et mes amies ont été le chercher. On s'est parlé assez longtemps et il m'a embrassé. J'étais très contente. Et d'un coup, on entend crier dehors. C'était mon père qui criait après moi. Je voyais tout le monde me regarder et je ne savais pas quoi faire alors j'avance... Et j'ai vu ma mère en pyjama juste à côté de lui. J'avais honte, tout le monde savais que j'avais menti, que mon père n'était pas mort et que ma mère ne travaillait plus depuis longtemps. Il me prit par le bras et m'emmena dans le bureau du directeur et il leur explique que je récoltais les mauvaises notes. Il fallut aussi qu'il leur dise que j'avais dit tout ces mensonges. Mon père était enragé, je l'avait déçu, ma mère n'était pas clean et ne réagissait pas. Arrivée à la voiture, je vois toutes mes amies rire mais aussi le garçon qui m'avait embrassé avant. Je n’entendait que leur moquerie et je fus réveillée par la gifle que mon père me mit parce qu'il m'appelait depuis dix minutes. J'avais terriblement honte et on rentra à la maison où on me disputait.

Le lendemain était le pire jour de ma vie, j'arrive devant le collège et tout le monde me fixe comme si j’étais venue en pantoufles mais si ça pouvait n'être que cela... Mes amies ne m'adressaient plus la parole et le garçon me regardait énervé. Ces filles sont venus me voir et m'ont parlé d'une manière horrible. J'ai couru aux toilettes pour pleurer mais elles m'ont rejoins et m'ont dit que je n'était qu'une menteuse, une ignoble fille et que je méritait de mourir. Mon amoureux est venu me voir est m'a dit que je n'était qu'une hypocrite et que je ne valais pas la peine d'avoir des amis, qu'il était très déçu même si il m'aimait bien, j'ai tout gâché et à partir de cela j'ai changé d'école. Mes parents m'en veulent terriblement mais je compte tout faire pour qu'il me pardonne de tout ce que j'ai fait mais seul le temps leur fera oublier, mais il faut aussi que je me pardonne à moi-même. Je compte changer mais en bien, cette mésaventure restera gravée à jamais dans nos mémoires...

Je regrette vraiment...
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
I already lied, I have really suffered and I still suffer.It was in college and I wanted to integrate and that it includes me, while I was new I wanted to make a good impression so I invented a whole bunch of lie and when my "friends" discovered the truth, everything was going very badly for me. I was ashamed...The first day was not the worst because I had nobody who assign me but a group of girls came to talk to me. They were all children of highly placed people for my family, the months were difficult... Then they tell me all that their mother were singers, mayors and I don't know too much while my mother was sick and mad. I couldn't tell them otherwise I will find myself all alone so I invented... I told them that my mother was a doctor, but after they started talking about their father. Me, my father is in prison, is therefore told them that he had died. A few day later, current, the teacher asks to see my mother and I told him she worked late at the hospital, while it was a party at its weekly meeting with his banker for settlements that cannot pay. I collapse level notes in school but I dare not say it to MOM because I'm afraid of his reaction. Often the afternoon I went shopping with my new girlfriends but I was never taking money and they asked me why. I always responded to them that my clothes came from a creator.One day during the holidays, my father came back, I was thrilled, but he absolutely wanted to see my teachers to ask them what was my behavior but also to talk about my notes. I told him that there are special meetings but they were already spent.School, my friends came to see me to talk about boys because there was one that I liked, but I could not approach him for fear of lying again and my friends have been seeking it. There is talk long enough and he kissed me. I was very happy. And suddenly, we hear shouting outside. It was my father who was screaming after me. I saw everybody looking at me and I did not know what to do so I advance... And I saw my mother in slumber beside him. I was ashamed, everyone knew that I had lied, that my father was not dead and that my mother was no longer working for a long time. He took me by the arm and took me to the office of the Director and he explained to them that I used the wrong notes. It was also there to tell them that I said all these lies. My dad was rabid, I had disappointed him, my mother was not clean and did not respond. Arrived at the car, I see all my friends laugh but also the boy who had kissed me before. I heard that their mockery and I was awakened by the slap that my father put me because he was calling me for ten minutes. I was terribly ashamed and it returned to the House where it was playing.The next day was the worst day of my life, I arrived before the college and everyone sets me as if I had come with slippers but it could be that this... Mine me most were the floor and the boy looked at me pissed off. These girls came to see me and told me in a horrible way. I ran to the bathroom to cry but they have me join and have told me that I was a liar, a vile girl and that I deserved to die. My lover came to me is I was told that I was only a hypocritical and that I valais bother to have friends, that he was very disappointed even if he liked me, I ruined everything and from this I changed school. My parents want to me terribly but I intend to do everything that it forgive me what I did but only time will make them forget, but also that I forgive myself to myself. I intend to change but in, well, this misadventure will remain forever engraved in our memories...I very much regret...
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
I've lied, I've really suffered and I still suffers. It was in college and I wanted to integrate myself and that includes me, when I was new I wanted to make a good impression Then I made ​​a bunch of lies and when my "friends" have discovered the truth, everything went very badly for me. I was ashamed ... The first day was not the worst because I had no one to confide but a group of girls came to me. They were all children of persons placed high while for my family, the months were difficult ... So they tell me that their mother were all singers, mayors, and I do not know exactly when my mother was sick and crazy. I could not tell them otherwise I find myself alone when I invented ... I told them that my mother was a doctor but after they started talking about their father. Me, my father is in prison, I therefore told them he was dead. A few days later, in progress, the teacher asks to see my mother and told her that she was working late at the hospital, then she left her weekly session with her ​​banker regulations that can not pay. I collapse level grade in school but I did not dare tell mom because I ' am afraid of his reaction. Often the afternoon I went to shop with my new friends but I never took money and they asked me why. I always told them that my clothes came from a Creator. One day during the holidays, my father came back, I was delighted but he really wanted to see my teachers and ask them what my behavior but also to talk about my notes. I told him that there are special meetings but they were already gone. In September, my friends came to see me to talk about boys because there was one that I liked, but I could not l approaching afraid to lie again and my friends were looking for him. We talked long enough and he kissed me. I was very happy. And suddenly, we hear shouting outside. It was my father who was yelling at me. I saw everyone looking at me and I did not know what to do so I go ... And I saw my mother in pajamas just next to it. I was ashamed, everyone knew I lied, my father had not died and my mother was no longer working for a long time. He took me by the arm and took me to the principal's office and explained to them that I collected the wrong notes. It was also necessary to tell them that I said all those lies. My father was furious, I was disappointed, my mother was not clean and was not responding. Arrival at the car, I see all my friends laugh but also the boy who kissed me before. I could hear their mockery and I was awakened by the slap that my father put me because he called me for ten minutes. I was terribly ashamed and went home where I was playing. The next day was the worst day of my life, I got to college and everyone stares at me as if I had come in slippers, but if it could be just that ... My friends will speak directed me and the boy looked at me upset. These girls came to me and spoke to me in a horrible way. I ran to the bathroom to cry, but they joined me and told me I was a liar, a vile daughter and I deserved to die. My lover came to me was told that I was a hypocrite and that I was not worth the trouble to have friends, he was very disappointed though he liked me, I ' ruined everything and from this I changed schools. My parents want me terribly but I intend to do everything to forgive me for all that I have done but only time will make them forget, but it is also necessary that I forgive myself. I intend to change much but this mishap will remain etched forever in our memories ... I really regret ...

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
I have already lied, I have really suffered and i still suffers.

it was at the college and I wanted to integrate and that i built, when I was new i wanted to make a good impression then I have invented a whole bunch of lies and when my "friends" have discovered the truth, everything was going extremely wrong for me. I was ashamed ...

The first day was not the worst because i had nobody to whom entrust me but a group of girls came to speak with me. They were all children of persons in high places then that for my family, the months were difficult ... Then they tell me all that their mother were singers, mayors and I do know more too then that my mother was sick and mad.I could not tell them otherwise i'll meet any single then i invented ... I told them that my mother was a doctor but after they have begun to speak of their father. Me, my father is in prison, i their is therefore said that he was dead.

A Few day later, in course, the professor asked to see my mother and I told her that she was working late at the hospital,Then that it was a party at its meeting of all the weeks to his banker for the regulations that we cannot pay.

I am collapsed level note to the school but I dare not say to mom because I am afraid of his reaction. Often the afternoon I was leaving to do the shopping with my new girlfriends but i never money and they asked me why.I was always told that my clothes came from a creator.

a day during the holidays, my father is income, I was delighted but he wanted to absolutely see my professors to ask them what was my behavior but also to talk about my notes. I told him that there are special meetings but that they were already past.

A retraction,My friends came to see me to talk about boys because there had been one which appealed to me, but i could not approach for fear of lying again and my girlfriends were the seek. It is spoke long enough and he embraced me. I was very happy. And of a sudden, we heard screaming outside. It was my father who was shouting after me.I saw everyone look at me and I did not know what to do then j'avance ... And I saw my mother in pajamas just next to him. I was ashamed, everyone knew that I had lied, that my father was not dead and that my mother no longer worked for a long time. He took me by the arm and took me in the office of the director and he explained to them that I had the wrong notes.It took also tell them that I said all these lies. My father was rabid, I was disappointed, my mother was not clean and not reacting. Upon arrival at the car, I see all my friends laugh, but also the boy who i had embraced before. I did not intend that their mockery and i was awakened by the slap that my father me mit because he called me for ten minutes.I was terribly ashamed and we came back to the house where I was playing.

The next day was the worst day of my life, I have come before the college and everyone fixed me as if I came in slippers but if ca could not be that this ... My friends do me more directed toward the floor and the boy looked at me annoyed. These girls came to see me and told me of a horrible way.I ran to the toilet for crying but they told me agree with me and said that I was only a liar, a despicable daughter and that i deserved to die. My lover came to see me is said to me that I was only a hypocrite and that i do valais not the penalty of having friends, that he was very disappointed, even if he loved me well, I have ruined everything and from that I have changed school.My parents gave me in want terribly but i account do everything for that he forgives me for all that I have done but only the time they will forget, but it is also necessary that I forgive myself. I account change but in well, this mishap will be etched for ever in our memories ...

I really regret ...
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