Poisson d'Avril is a French moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled  traduction - Poisson d'Avril is a French moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled  Anglais comment dire

Poisson d'Avril is a French moniker

Poisson d'Avril is a French moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled on April 1st. Legend has it that the custom dates to the 16th century. In 1564, King Charles IX of France broke with a 12th century custom by decreeing that New Year's Day would occur on January 1 rather than at the spring solstice--ending a traditional week-long celebration of spring and rebirth that had lasted until...April 1. An uproar arose. Resistors were mocked by being sent joke gifts.

Also, because in early spring the sun is leaving the zodiacal sign of Pisces, the pranks were coined "Poisson d'Avril." April 1st became a fun holiday filled with the offering of lighthearted presents...often gift-wrapped fish. Children would draw fish and attach them on backs of the unsuspecting. Today it has become an occasion for exchanging chocolate fish.

Each April 1, Passionfish will return to the origins of Poisson d'Avril as a celebration of new beginnings. What better way to look forward to a future replete with sustainable seafood!
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
April Fool is a french moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled on april 1st. That legend has it the custom dates to the 16th century. in 1564 king charles ix of France broke with a custom 12th century by decreeing new year's day That Would Occur on january 1 Rather than at the spring solstice - ending a traditional week-long celebration of spring and rebirth HAD That Lasted Until .. .april 1. Arose an uproar. Were Being Mocked by resistors feels joke gifts.

ALSO, Because in early spring the sun is leaving the zodiac sign of pisces, the pranks Were coined "April Fool." april 1st Became a fun filled holiday with the Offering of presents ... Often lighthearted gift-wrapped fish. Would children draw fish and attach em on backs of the unsuspecting.today It Has Become an occasion for exchange exchanging chocolate fish.

Each april 1, Passionfish will return to the origins of April Fool as a celebration of new beginnings. what better way to look forward to a future replete with sustainable seafood!
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
April Fools is a French moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled on April 1 st. Legend has it that the custom dates to the 16th century. In 1564, King Charles IX of France broke with a 12th century custom by decreeing that New Year's Day would occur on January 1 rather than at the spring solstice - ending a traditional week-long celebration of spring and rebirth that had lasted until...April 1. An uproar arose. Resistors were mocked by being sent joke gifts.

Also, because in early spring the sun is leaving the zodiacal sign of Pisces, the pranks were coined "April Fools." April 1 st became a fun holiday filled with the offering of lighthearted presents... often gift-wrapped fish. Children would draw fish and attach them on backs of the unsuspecting. Today it has become an occasion for exchanging chocolate fish.

Each April 1, Passionfish will return to the origins of April Fools as a celebration of new beginnings. What better way to look forward to a future replete with sustainable seafood!
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
Fish of April is a French moniker ascribed to someone who is fooled April 1st. Legend has it that the custom dates to the 16th century. In 1564, King Charles IX of France broke with a 12th century custom by decreeing that New Year's Day would occur on January 1 rather than at the spring solstice--ending a traditional week-long celebration of spring and rebirth that had ccd in the fax until ...April 1. Year uproar package with Framboise. Resistors were mocked by being feels joke gifts.

Aussi, because in early spring tea sun is leaving the zodiacal sign of Pisces, the pranks were seems "April Fool." April 1st became a fun holiday filled with the offering of lighthearted present ... often gift-wrapped fish. Children would draw fish and attach them on backs of tea off unsuspecting players.Today it has become an occasion for exchanging chocolate fish.

Each April 1, Passionfish will return to the origins of fish of April as a celebration of new beginnings. What better way to look forward to a future replete with sustainable seafood!
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