Le certificat utilisé pour la signature électronique personnelle doit  traduction - Le certificat utilisé pour la signature électronique personnelle doit  Anglais comment dire

Le certificat utilisé pour la signa

Le certificat utilisé pour la signature électronique personnelle doit être sur support matériel cryptographique et avoir été acquis auprès d’une autorité de certification reconnue par la Banque. En cas de révocation d’un certificat par le Client, celui-ci doit, parallèlement à cette demande faite auprès de l’autorité de certification ayant délivrée le certificat, en informer immédiatement la Banque, par écrit, afin de s’assurer de la prise en compte par celle-ci de la dite révocation.

Sans préjudice des pouvoirs qui ont pu ou pourront être conférés et déposés par ailleurs auprès des Banques, le Client est informé que la remise d’un certificat de signature à une personne physique dûment autorisée par ses soins, et l’inscription de ce certificat dans la liste des signataires pour le service de messagerie FileAct vaut octroi d’un pouvoir spécifique.

Il découle naturellement de la procédure ci-dessus que ce système déroge à tout autre système de contrôle relatif aux pouvoirs. Les Banques traiteront les remises authentifiées par certificat de signature électronique personnelle sans ajouter aucun contrôle sur le montant des ordres, des remises ou des fichiers qui ne serait pas prévu à la présente annexe.

Les Parties reconnaissent que l’utilisation de la signature numérique personnelle par les personnes physiques représentant le Client permet de garantir l’intégrité des instructions du signataire jusqu’au traitement du contenu du message et assure la non-répudiation desdites instructions.

Chaque partie gardera une trace des échanges effectués et les conservera pendant la durée contractuellement prévue entre les parties, ou en absence d’accord formalisé, pendant la durée prévue par la réglementation en vigueur.

Les fichiers transmis par le Client donnent lieu à un accusé de réception technique de la Banque précisant la bonne ou mauvaise réception desdits fichiers. Dans le cas où ces fichiers doivent être accompagnés d’une ou de plusieurs signature(s) personnelle(s), cet accusé réception intègre un contrôle sur la présence des signatures électroniques personnelles.

La preuve résulte des enregistrements informatiques des données échangées, y compris les éléments de signature, dans les systèmes de la Banque. Les fichiers informatiques étant signés et transmis par le Client en recourant simultanément à l’utilisation de certificats, celui-ci est réputé en être l’auteur. Ces éléments font foi jusqu’à preuve contraire du client.

En cas de vol, de perte ou de suspicion de compromission d’un certificat, indépendamment des déclarations faites à l’autorité de certification concernée, le Client s’engage à prévenir immédiatement la Banque pour suspension des habilitations. La Banque prend en compte cette demande sous 1 heure.

Pour l’ensemble des services d’émission de paiements et de remises à l’encaissement, sauf précision particulière apportée dans la sous-annexe concernée, le Client utilisera le mécanisme et les habilitations décrits ci-dessous.

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
The certificate used for personal electronic signature must be on cryptographic hardware support and have been acquired from a CA recognized by the Bank. In the event of revocation of a certificate by the customer, must, at the same time at this request to the certification authority who issued the certificate, immediately inform the Bank in writing, in order to ensure consideration of the said revocation. Without prejudice to the powers which have been or may be conferred and deposited with banks, the Client is informed that the furnishing of a signing certificate to a natural person duly authorized by his care, and the registration of the certificate in the list of signatories for the FileAct messaging service worth grant of a specific power. It follows naturally from the procedure above this system derogates from any other control system relevant to the powers. The banks will deal with discounts authenticated by certificate of personal electronic signature without adding any control over the amount of orders, discounts or files which would be not provided for in this annex.The Parties acknowledge that the use of the personal digital signature by individuals representing the Client helps to ensure the integrity of the instructions of the signatory to the contents of the message processing and provides non-repudiation of such instructions.Each party will keep track of performed exchanges and store them during the contractually between the parties, or in absence of understanding formalised during the period provided for by the legislation in force.Files transmitted by the Client give rise to a technical acknowledgment from the Bank indicating good or bad reception such files. Where these files must be accompanied by one or several signature (s) personal (s), this acknowledgement includes a control on the presence of personal electronic signatures.The evidence results from computer records of the data exchanged, including the signature elements, in systems of the Bank. Computer files are signed and transmitted by the Client simultaneously through the use of certificates, it is deemed to be the author. These elements are prima facie evidence to the contrary from the customer.In case of theft, loss or suspicion of compromise of a certificate, regardless of des declarations statements made to relevant CA, the Client agrees to immediately inform the Bank for suspension of authorizations. The Bank takes into account this request within 1 hour. For all of the services of issuance of payments and discounts for payment, except particular clarification that in the relevant schedule, the Client will use the mechanism and entitlement rights described below.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
The certificate used for personal electronic signature must be on cryptographic hardware support and been acquired from a certificate authority recognized by the Bank. In case of revocation of a certificate by the Customer, the latter must, in parallel to this request with the CA that issued the certificate, inform the Bank immediately in writing to ensure the consideration by it of the said revocation. Without prejudice to the powers that have been or may be granted and filed also with the Banks, the Customer is informed that the submission of a Certificate Signing a duly authorized individual by him, and registration of the certificate in the list of signatories for the FileAct messaging service is a specific grant of power. It flows naturally from the above procedure that system derogates from any other control system relating powers. Banks deal discounts authenticated by personal electronic signature certificate without adding any control over the amount of orders, discounts or files that is not provided in this Annex. The Parties recognize that the use of personal digital signature individuals representing the Client ensures the integrity of the signatory to processing instructions of the message content and ensures non-repudiation of the said instructions. Each party will keep track of exchanges made ​​and retain during the contractually stipulated duration between the parties, or in the absence of formal agreement, for the period provided by the regulations. The files transmitted by the Customer result in an acknowledgment of technical acceptance of the Bank stating the good or bad reception of said files. In the event that these files must be accompanied by one or more signature (s) individual (s), this acknowledgment includes a check on the presence of personal electronic signatures. The proof follows from the computer records of the data exchanged, including signature elements in the Bank's systems. Computer files are signed and transmitted by the Customer using simultaneously using certificates, it is deemed to be its author. These elements are prima facie evidence of the customer. In case of theft, loss or compromise of suspicion of a certificate, irrespective of the statements made ​​to the relevant Certificate Authority, the Customer agrees to immediately prevent Bank for suspension of clearances. The Bank considers this request within 1 hour. For all services issuing payments and discounts to cash, unless special clarification in the relevant sub-annex, the Customer will use the mechanism described and clearances below.

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
The certificate used for signing personal electronic must be on support cryptographic hardware and have been purchased from a recognized certificate authority by the Bank. In the case of revocation of a certificate by the Client, the latter must, in parallel to this request from the certification authority who issued the certificate,Immediately inform the Bank, in writing, in order to ensure that the taking into account by the latter of the so-called revocation.

Without prejudice to the powers which have been or may be conferred and deposited by addition to the banks, the client is informed that the remission of a signing certificate to a physical person duly authorized by its care,And the inclusion of this certificate in the list of signatories for the messaging service FileAct is worth granting a specific power.

It naturally follows the procedure above that this system derogated from any other system of control relating to powers.
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