Résultats (
Anglais) 3:
There were already many years that, of Combray, everything that was not the theater and the drama of my bedroom no longer existed for me, when a winter's day, as I was coming back to the House, my mother, seeing that I was cold, offered me to make me, against my usual, a little bit of tea. I out pretty first and, I do not know why, me ravisai.She sent up one of these cakes short and that fatten up called Small Madeleines that seemed to have been molded into the valve grooved to a shell of Saint-Jacques . And soon, mechanically, overwhelmed by the dreary day and the prospect of a sad day, i Morlocks to my lips a spoonful of the tea or i had left to soften a piece of Madeleine.But at the moment or the sip fray of crumbs of the cake touched my palace, i tressaillis, attentive to what was happening to extraordinary in me. A delicious pleasure me had invaded, isolated, without the concept of its cause. He told me immediately visited the vicissitudes of life indifferent, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory, in the same way that operates the love,In me fulfilling a valuable petrol: or rather this essence was not in me, it was me. I had ceased to feel poor, quota, mortal. OF or had been able to come this powerful joy? I felt that it was linked to the taste of the tea and the cake, but that it exceeded the infinitely, should not be of the same nature. Where was it? That meant it?Or apprehend? I wood a second tasting or i find nothing more than in the first, a third which gives me a little less than the second. It is time that I stopped, the virtue of the old beverage seems to decrease. It is clear that the truth that I seek is not in him, but in me. He is awake, but does not know, and can only repeat indefinitely,With less force, this same witness that I do not know interpret and that I want to be able to at least ask him and regain intact, at my disposal, all at the time, for a decisive clarification. I install the cup and am turning to my spirit. It is up to him to find the truth. But how? Serious uncertainty, all the times that the spirit feels exceeds by itself ;When him, the researcher, is everything the country together obscure or it must seek and or all his baggage does him will be nothing. Look? Not only: create. It is in the face of something which is not yet and that only he can achieve, and then to enter in his light.
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