Résultats (
Anglais) 2:
please find attached response that I sent to Mr brilliant concerning his request a complaint they received from a client who had received a receipt in English only who had provided a receipt in English only. I am hopeful that there will be no suites for this time.
on the other hand, in the future,. You must ensure your staff to issue receipts in French for French clients and in doubt, namely, issue a receipt in English or French, choose French.
If the French version is not available, you must issue a manual receipt, and this, today. You can see Daniel Tougas to achieve the invoice template. Whether to print invoice tablets, we will do it.
I remind you the importance of this directive for the following reasons:
1. We have an internal policy to this effect and this policy is consistent with the Act.
2. Fines for companies in violation can be quite significant (see the extract from the Act below). That the amount of the fine is minimal or high matter, there are better ways to use the money from the donors.
Title V of the Charter of the French language provides criminal and other sanctions which exposes himself every person who contravenes a provision of the Charter or its regulations. It's fines from $ 600 to $ 6000 in the case of a natural person, and $ 1,500 to $ 20,000 in the case of a legal person. These amounts are doubled for repeat offences (Charter, art. 205).
3. A fine also means the publication of the name of the SPCA in the list companies convicted by the Court on the site of the OQLF or even subject to bad press in the media as seen often. The fragile image of the SPCA can afford to kind of bad press.
4. We are already subject to a remedy imposed by the OQLF, plan plan imposed following complaints to both customers and employees. We can not afford other complaints.
5. Even without legislation, It is unacceptable that an organization's prestige as our lack of respect towards francophones and as a francophone, I shared the sense of francophone clients who receive an invoice only in English, and this has nothing to do with political allegiance any.
The members of the direction which you belong have a duty to share their duties to respect the employer's policies and to enforce, and, regardless of your personal opinion on this law or policy.
Please make sure that your staff and volunteers understand our policy,. It is applied very strictly and that we are serious about respect for its application for all documents.
I remains confident that you understand your responsibility in this regard and that you'll need to ensure that we are complying with the law and that we act in responsible and respectful of francophone organization.
If you have any suggestions or comments in the language of the QLP Policy and its application, don't hesitate to come meet me.
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