Première partie :
L’implantation du projet doit être conforme aux prescriptions définies par les instruments d’urbanisme.
Il devra être procédé, dans l'étude préliminaire, à l'analyse détaillée de immédiat du projet, de manière à évaluer la nature et l’importance des contraintes et les spécificités afin d’en tenir compte dans justification du parti adopté et du dans la conception projet en général.
L’architecture adoptée doit apporter les nuances, la souplesse, la variété qui permettront de satisfaire au mieux les exigences des habitants en termes d’esthétique et de confort et rendront le quartier agréable à habiter.
La constante du repère doit être toujours présente, l’environnement urbain créé doit permettre à chacun de retrouver son lieu, de reconnaître et de s’approprier son espace.
Le cocontractant devra, lors de la conception, veiller à :
• Rechercher la notion de Quartier dans le projet en renforçant ses limites et ses espaces privés en lui créant ses propres portes virtuelles ;
• Tenir compte du bâti existant, dans son architecture, sa disposition et son contexte (contraste- intégration) ;
• Valoriser l’espace extérieur en créant la relation entre le bâti et l’environnement immédiat, cette relation doit être clairement matérialisée par des espaces hiérarchisés.
• créer des espaces de convivialité intra îlot comme éléments d’accompagnement extérieurs aux logements en parfaite harmonie ;
• Rechercher, selon la taille du programme une variété et une richesse à travers une architecture, des traitements et des agencements différenciés par îlot et/ou par entité ; 
Viser, comme objectif à obtenir une architecture aboutie, devant être perçue comme une réponse parfaitement concluante à une demande clairement dimensionnée et énoncée ;
Cette notion doit se traduire par l’adoption d’un agencement et d’une architecture qui dissuadent les occupants à procéder aux transformations de leur logement ;
Veiller à l'utilisation judicieuse et Rationnelle de la morphologie du terrain pour une meilleure composition et architecturale. Rechercher à travers une conception adaptée, la meilleure intégration alliant l'optimisation des surfaces et des implantations à la richesse des formes et des volumes, tout en limitant au maximum les travaux de soutènement

Une attention particulière, doit être apportée, lors de la conception, a l'économie du projet. Celle-ci doit être en adéquation avec les attendus la nature et la destination des constructions.

L’organisation spatiale du logement doit s’adapter au mode de vie local et répondre à la réglementation en vigueur.
La conception des logements doit répondre au double objectif de la fonctionnalité et au bien-être des occupants selon les exigences et les spécificités régionales et culturelles du lieu d’implantation du projet.
Au niveau conceptuel, il est indispensable d'éviter au maximum la répétitive des cellules et / ou des entités, si celle-ci n'est pas justifiée.

Il ne sera pas toléré le recours à l’adaptation des plans d’autres projets, si celle-ci n’est pas expressément demandée.
La conception doit être l’émanation d’une véritable recherche alliant l’originalité, l’innovation et le respect des éléments du site d’insertion.
Les bâtiments devront respecter un coefficient K inférieur ou égal à 0,70 (K = surface habitable / surface construite) conformément à la réglementation algérienne.
Les logements sont de type F3. Ils auront une surface habitable totale de 67 m2 + ou - 3%. Les surfaces des pièces le constituant seront conformes aux prescriptions techniques et fonctionnelles applicables aux logements sociaux locatifs et citées dans volet études, 
Il ne sera pas prévu de système paratonnerre pour les bâtiments en R+5.
Des unités en îlots ou en rues doivent être privilégiées en veillant aux conditions de leur gestion et de leur appropriation.
La densité des bâtiments et leur gabarit doit être conforme aux dispositions prévues par les instruments d’urbanisme.
La conception de logements sur vide sanitaire doit être évitée, lorsque cette option est rendue nécessaire, il y’a lieu de :

- prévoir des trappes de visite aux endroits idoines de manière à permettre un accès facile et étanche ;
- prévoir des grilles d’aération en nombre suffisant et surélevées de manière à éviter l’infiltration des eaux de ruissellement
I - réaliser les raccordements des eaux usées et des eaux vannes par l’intermédiaire de regards de chute sur la hauteur comprise entre le niveau du sol et la plateforme du bâtiment. Les raccordements réalises à l’aide de coudes au niveau des vides sanitaires sont à bannir.
Dans le cas des entrées surélevées par rapport au trottoir, l’accès à l’immeuble doit comporter une rampe d’accès n'excédant pas 4% de pente avec une largeur d’au moins 0.70 m destinée à l’usage des personnes à mobilité réduite,
Des typologies collectives, semi collectives et individuelles groupées doivent être conçues selon la région et la taille de l'agglomération.
Dans le cas des logements collectifs, la priorité sera donnée à une conception de quatre logements par niveau en évitant le cas de distribution des pièces d’un seul côté du couloir.
L’aménagement des terrasses accessibles communes peut être toléré, dans ce cas, l’architecte devra prévoir l’organisation et les adaptations nécessaires.
Dans le cas d’une conception offrant un recul par rapport au trottoir, l’espace intermédiaire peut être annexé aux logements du rez-de-chaussée. Cet espace, planté devra être protégé par une clôture légère dont la partie en dur ne doit pas dépasser 60cm de hauteur.
Le hall d’entrée de l’immeuble doit être conçu comme un espace d’accueil convenablement dimensionné en hauteur et en largeur ; l’accès à la cage d’escalier sous le pallier intermédiaire est à bannir.
La porte d’accès à l’immeuble doit être un élément d’appel jouissant d’un traitement décoratif adapté.
A l’étage, le concepteur doit distinguer le palier de repos de l’espace de distribution des logements.

Les façades doivent tenir compte des orientations, du niveau d’ensoleillement et des vents dominants.
Pour une meilleure réussite de la volumétrie du projet, il est souhaitable de jouer avec les terrasses, les toitures et les décrochements. Le jeu de pleins et de vides, d’avances et de
reculs, les ouvertures des fenêtres, les séchoirs, la forme des toitures et des cages
d’escaliers peuvent faire varier l’aspect de:

Le traitement des façades doit dans tout (matériaux, traitement, forme et représen es cas de figure se référer à l’architecture locale, tjation)

re significative au traitement des façades par leur mise en œuvre.
ouvertures doivent tenir compte du niveau ades et les autres caractéristiques du climat.

Le compartiment bas ou la base de l’immeuble constitue plutôt un espace de la ville ou du quartier ; Il doit favoriser, avec une grande flexibilité, la communication, l’ouverture, la transparence et la richesse en évitant l’anonymat à travers un traitement adéquat, différencié de façon prononcée par rapport au traitement du compartiment haut.
Le compartiment haut ou le corps de l’immeuble, constituant les logements, doit fournir des espaces accueillants, ensoleillés, intimes 3t sécurisés.
Un traitement particulier, intégré à l’ensemble, doit être réservé aux soubassements afin d’éviter leur usure et salissure. i
Une attention particulière doit être accordée au traitement des parties communes se traduisant notamment par :
• La réalisation d’une entrée d’immeuble avec des dimensions en harmonie avec l’envergure et le traitement de la façade.
Dimensions minimums à respecter pour les circulations communes :
Largeur hall d’entrée

Distance de la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble à la première marche d’escalier ou à l'arrivée de la rampe d’accès
Largeur porte d’accès de l’immeuble

L’orientation des logements doit permettre le respect des orientations préférentielles des séjours et cuisines.
En plus de l’ensoleillement souhaitable, il devra être tenu compte du microclimat, de la configuration du terrain, des vues et des vents dominants afin de profiter des conditions de conforts offertes par les éléments naturels.
Dans le but de concevoir un projet fini et harmonieux, il y a lieu de : 4
• Prévoir un aménagement extérieur de qualité, avec un mobilier urbain adapté et des
espaces verts tenant compte da'ns leur composition des spécificités climatiques locales et générales ; I
• Prévoir pour les voies d’accès et voies mécaniques des revêtements adéquats. Il est recommandé pour les voies mécaniques l’utilisation de l'enrobé à chaud ;
• Eviter la superposition des espaces réservés aux aires de jeu et circulations piétonnes avec celui de la circulation mécanique ;
• Tenir compte, dans l’aménagement des espaces, des personnes à mobilité réduite ;
• prévoir des aires de jeux et de détente pour les trois âges (aire de jeux, espaces de convivialité, de rencontre et de détente en réfléchissant les limites et les croisements) ;
• Prévoir des surfaces de stationnement en nombre suffisant, soit à raison d’un véhicule pour 02 logements à 02 véhicules pour 03 logements selon la localité ;
• Convenir d’une conception générale du projet de façon à ce que la réalisation du logement, des VRD et de ses aménagements secondaires y compris les locaux techniques et postes transformateurs soit menée simultanément ; 
• Prendre en charge, l
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND TECHNIQUES RELATING TO STUDIES AND TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECT OF THE PRESENT CONTRACT RENTAL PUBLIC HOUSING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND FUNCTIONAL PANE STUDY First part:FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSI. URBAN COMPOSITION:1.1-GENERAL ORIENTATIONS:Implementation of the project must comply with the requirements set out by the instruments of urban planning.Should be conducted in the preliminary study, the detailed analysis of the project immediately, so as to assess the nature and the importance of the constraints and specificities into account in justification of the adopted party and in design project in general.The adopted architecture must provide nuances, the flexibility, the variety that best meet the requirements of the inhabitants in terms of aesthetics and comfort and make the pleasant living area.The constant of the coordinate system must be always present, created urban environment must allow everyone to find his place, to recognize and to adapt its space.I.2-GUIDELINES PARTICUL|ERAS:During design, the purchasing partner must ensure:• Search the concept of neighborhood in the draft by strengthening its limits and its private spaces creating its own virtual doors;• Take account of the existing frame, in its architecture, its layout and its context (contrast-integration);• Enhance outer space by creating the relationship between the frame and the immediate environment, this relationship must be clearly marked by hierarchical spaces.• create outdoor spaces of conviviality intra island as accompaniment to the accommodation in perfect harmony.• Find, depending on the size of the programme a variety and richness through architecture, treatments and fixtures differentiated by island or entity; Aim, aim to achieve a successful architecture, to be perceived as a perfectly conclusive response to a request clearly sized and set out;This notion should be reflected by the adoption of a layout and an architecture that discourage the occupants to carry out the transformations of their housing;Ensure the judicious and rational use the morphology of the ground for a better composition and architectural. Search through a suitable design, the best integration combining optimizing surfaces and settlements with the richness of forms and volumes, while limiting the work of retaining maximum Special attention must be paid when designing, the economics of the project. It must be in line with the expected nature and destination of the constructions. II. DESIGN:11.1-GENERAL ORIENTATIONS:The spatial organization of the housing must adapt to local lifestyle and meet the regulations in force.The design of the housing must meet the twin goals of the feature and the well-being of the occupants according to requirements and the regional and cultural characteristics of the location of the project.At the conceptual level, it is essential to avoid the repetitive cells and / or entity, if it is not justified. It will not be tolerated the use of the adaptation of plans for other projects, if it is not expressly requested.The design must be the emanation of a real search combining originality, innovation and respect for the elements of the insertion site.II.2-SPECIFIC GUIDELINES:A DESIGN OF BUILDINGS:Buildings must meet a coefficient K less than or equal to 0.70 (K = habitable surface / built area) according to Algerian regulations.The accommodations are of type F3. They will have a total living area of 67 m2 + or - 3%. The surfaces of the pieces the grantor will comply with the technical and functional requirements applicable to the social housing rental and cited in pane studies, There will be no provision for system lightning conductor for buildings in R + 5.Units in blocks or streets must be privileged ensuring conditions of their management and their ownership.The density of buildings and their dimensions must be in accordance with the provisions contained in the instruments of urban planning.The design of housing in crawl space should be avoided, when this option is necessitated, he y' takes place from:-provide for inspection hatches where appropriate to allow easy access and tight;-provide some vents in sufficient numbers and elevated in a manner to avoid the infiltration of runoff I make the connections of sewage and water valves through the looks of fall on the height between ground level and the platform of the building. Connections made using elbows level crawl spaces are to banish.In the case of elevated inputs from the sidewalk, the access to the building must include an access ramp not exceeding 4% slope with a width of at least 0.70 m intended for the use of persons with reduced mobility,Collective typologies, collective and individual semi grouped must be designed according to the region and the size of the agglomeration.In the case of multi-family housing, priority will be given to a design of four units per level avoiding the case of distribution of the pieces on one side of the corridor.Development of the common accessible terraces can be tolerated in this case, the architect must make provision for the Organization and the necessary modifications.In the case of a design offering a retreat from the sidewalk, the intermediate space may be appended to the accommodation on the ground floor. This space, planted must be protected by a light fence which hard part must not exceed 60cm in height.The lobby of the building must be designed as an area appropriately sized in height and width; access to the stairwell under compensate it intermediate is to banish.The access door to the building must be an element of appeal a decorative treatment with suitable.Upstairs, the designer must distinguish the level of rest of distribution of housing space. Facades must take account of the guidelines, the level of sunshine and prevailing winds.For better success of the volumetry of the project, it is desirable to play with terraces, roofs and offsets. The game solids and voids, advances andsetbacks, the openings of windows, dryers, the form of roofs and cagesstairs can vary the appearance of: The treatment of the facades must in all (materials, processing, form and representation are cases refer to the local architecture, tjation) significant re treatment of facades with their implementation.openings must take into account the level ades and the other characteristics of the climate. The lower compartment or the base of the building is rather a space of the city or neighbourhood; It must foster, with flexibility, communication, openness, transparency and richness avoiding anonymity through adequate treatment, differentiated pronounced over the treatment of the top compartment.The top compartment or the body of the building, housing, must provide spaces welcoming, sunny, respondents 3T secure.A particular treatment, integrated at all, should be reserved for the foundations to avoid their wear and soiling. iC PARTIES COMMUNES:Special attention must be given to the treatment of the common elements reflected inter alia by:• Completion of a building entrance with dimensions in harmony with the scope and treatment of the facade. Minimum for common traffic dimensions:DESIGNATIONWidth entrance hall Distance from the front door of the building to the first step or the arrival of the ramp Door width access of the building D ORIENTATION:The orientation of the housing must allow the respect of kitchens and preferred orientations of stays.In addition to desirable sunlight, it must take account of the microclimate, the configuration terrain, views and the prevailing winds to take advantage of the conditions of comfort offered by the natural elements.E LANDSCAPING:To design a project finished and harmonious, it is necessary to: 4• Provide a suitable quality, with urban furniture landscaping andgreen spaces taking into account ' ns their composition of the local and general climatic characteristics; I• Provide for the access roads and mechanical way of suitable coatings. It is recommended for mechanical tracks the use of the asphalt hot;• Avoid superimposition of the spaces reserved for playgrounds and pedestrian traffic with that of the mechanical movement;• Take into account, in the development of spaces, people with mobility impairment;• providing areas of games and relaxation for three ages (playground, friendliness, meeting and relaxing spaces reflecting the limits and crossings);• Provide sufficient parking surfaces, either at the rate of a vehicle for 02 housing 02 vehicles for 03 housing according to the locality;• Agree on an overall design of the project in a manner that the Director of housing, the hht and its secondary facilities including the technical premises and transformers items is carried out simultaneously; • Support, l
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TECHNIQUES FOR STUDIES AND ACHIEVE PUBLIC HOUSING RENTAL PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND FUNCTIONAL COMPONENT STUDY Part I: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS I. URBAN COMPOSITION 1.1 GENERAL GUIDELINES: The implementation of the project must comply with the requirements defined by the planning instruments. It must be carried in the preliminary study, a detailed analysis of the immediate project, so evaluate the nature and extent of the constraints and characteristics to be considered in justification of the adopted party and in the project design in general. The architecture adopted shall bring nuance, flexibility, variety that will satisfy at best the requirements of the inhabitants in terms of aesthetics and comfort and make the area pleasant to live in. The constant of the mark must always be present, urban environment created must allow everyone to find his place, to recognize and s 'ownership of its space. I.2- particul DIRECTIONS | ERES: The other party shall, in the design, be sure to: • Search the notion of neighborhood in the project by strengthening its limitations and private spaces by creating her own virtual doors ; • Consider the existing building, its architecture, its layout and its context (contrast of any integration); • Enhance the outdoor space by creating the relationship between the frame and the immediate environment, this relationship must be clearly evidenced by hierarchical spaces. • create outdoor intra island as accompanying elements of conviviality in perfect harmony with housing; • Search according to program size variety and wealth through architecture, treatments and fixtures differentiated islet and / or entity;  Aiming, aims to achieve a successful architecture, to be seen as a conclusive answer to a perfectly sized and clearly stated demand; This concept must result in the adoption of an arrangement and an architecture that discourage occupants to make the changes in their housing; Ensure the wise use and Rational land morphology for better composition and architecture. Search through proper design, combining the best integration optimization of surfaces and locations to the wealth of shapes and volumes, while minimizing the retaining work Particular attention should be paid during the design, to the economy of the project. This must be consistent with the expected nature and destination of the buildings. II. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: 11.1- GENERAL GUIDELINES: The spatial organization of housing must adapt to the local way of life and meet the regulations. The housing design must meet the dual objectives of functionality and well-being of the occupants according to the requirements and regional and cultural characteristics of the location of the project. At the conceptual level, it is essential to avoid as much repetitive cells and / or entities, if the latter is not justified. It will not be tolerated recourse to the adaptation of other project plans if this is not expressly requested. The design should be the emanation of a real research combining originality, innovation and respect of the elements of the insertion site. II.2- SPECIAL DIRECTIONS: A- DESIGN OF BUILDINGS: The buildings must meet a K coefficient less than or equal to 0.70 (K = living area / built area) according to the Algerian regulations . The accommodation is of type F3. They will have a total floor area of 67 m2 + or - 3%. The surfaces of the component parts shall comply with the technical and functional requirements for rental housing and studies cited in part,  will not be expected lightning rod system for buildings in R + 5. units into blocks or streets should be favored ensuring the conditions of their management and ownership. The density of buildings and their size must comply with the provisions of the planning instruments. The design of housing crawl space should be avoided when this is made ​​necessary, Instead of it there's: - provide for inspection hatches granted appropriate locations to allow easy access and waterproof; - provide ventilation grilles and raised enough to avoid the infiltration of runoff water I - make connections wastewater and water valves through fall looks on the height from the ground level and the building platform. Realize the connections with elbows in crawlspaces are banned. In the case of elevated input from the sidewalk, access to the building must have an access ramp not exceeding 4% slope with a width of at least 0.70 m for use by persons with reduced mobility, Collective typologies, semi collective and individual must be designed grouped by region and size of the city. In the case of multi-family housing , priority will be given to a design of four units per level avoiding the case of distribution of parts from one side of the corridor. The layout of the terraces accessible towns can be tolerated in this case, the architect must provide the organization and the necessary changes. In the case of a design offering a step back from the sidewalk, the space can be attached to the ground floor accommodation. This space planted shall be protected by a light fence whose hard part must not exceed 60cm in height. The building's lobby must be designed as a reception area appropriately sized in height and width; access to the stairwell in the intermediate remedy should be prohibited. The access door to the building should be a call a decorative element enjoying appropriate treatment. Upstairs, the designer must distinguish Rest of the bearing housing distribution space. The fronts should consider the guidance, the sunshine levels and prevailing winds. For better success of the volume of the project, it is desirable to play with terraces, roofs and recesses. The play of solids and voids, advances and setbacks, open windows, dryers, the shape of roofs and cages of stairs can alter the appearance of: facades Treatment should in all (materials treatment, shape, and are represented cases refer to local architecture, tjation) significant re treatment of the facades of their implementation. openings must consider the level ades and other climate characteristics. The lower compartment or the base of the building is rather a space in the city or neighborhood; It should promote, with great flexibility, communication, openness, transparency and avoiding anonymity wealth through proper treatment, differentiated markedly compared to treatment upper compartment. The top or body compartment of the building, constituting the housing must provide welcoming spaces, sunny, intimate secure 3t. A particular treatment integrated into the whole, should be reserved for foundations to avoid wear and soiling. i C COMMON AREAS: Special attention should be paid to the treatment of the common parts resulting in particular in: . • The completion of a building entrance in harmony with the size with the size and the treatment of the facade Minimum dimensions to respect for common traffic: DESIGNATION lobby Width Distance from the building entrance door to the first stair or arrival of the ramp width access door of the building D- DIRECTION: The housing orientation should enable compliance with preferred orientations stays and kitchens. In addition to the desirable sunshine, it should be given the microclimate of the terrain, views and prevailing winds to take advantage of the conditions of comfort offered by natural elements. E- LANDSCAPING: In order to design a finite and harmonious project, it should be understood: 4 • Provide quality landscaping with street furniture adapted and of green spaces into account da'ns composition of local and general climatic characteristics; I • Provide for access roads and ski tracks suitable coatings. It is recommended for mechanical ways to use HMA; • Avoid overlapping areas for playgrounds and pedestrian traffic with that of the mechanical circulation; • Consider, in the arrangement of spaces, disabled; • provide playgrounds and relaxation for the three ages (playground, relaxation areas, meeting and relaxing reflecting the limits and crossings); • Provide parking areas sufficient or by reason of a vehicle for 02 homes in 02 vehicles to 03 dwellings by locality; • Agree on overall project design so that the realization of housing, HHT and its secondary developments including technical rooms and transformer stations is conducted simultaneously;  • Take charge, the

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]

First part :
The location of the project must be in accordance with the requirements defined by the instruments of urban planning.
it will have to be carried out, in the preliminary study, a detailed analysis of the immediate project, so as to assess the nature and the importance of the constraints and the specificities in order to take this into account in justification of the party adopted and in the design project in general.
The architecture adopted must provide the nuances, the flexibility, the variety that will best meet the requirements of the inhabitants in terms of aesthetics and comfort and will make the nice area to live.
the constant of the mark must be always present, the urban environment creates must enable each to regain his place, to recognize and to take over its space.
The contracting party must, during the design, ensure :
• Search the notion of neighborhood in the project by strengthening its limits and its private spaces by creating its own virtual gates ;
"take account of existing buildings, in its architecture, its provision and its context (contrast- integration) ;
• Valuing the outdoor space by creating the relationship between the frame and the immediate environment, this relationship should be clearly materialized by spaces prioritized.
• create spaces of friendliness intra islet as elements of accompaniment to the outer housing in perfect harmony ;
• Search,Depending on the size of the program, a variety and a wealth through an architecture, treatments and fixtures differentiated by islet and/or by entity ;  
aim, as objective to obtain a mature architecture, to be perceived as an answer perfectly conclusive to a request clearly dimensioned and enunciated ;
This concept must be translated by the adoption of a layout and an architecture which discourage the occupants to carry out the transformations of their housing ;
ensure the judicious and rational use of the morphology of the ground for a better composition and architectural. Search through a suitable design,The best integration combining the optimization of surfaces and settlements to the wealth of forms and volumes, while limiting to the maximum the work of inbuilding

special attention, must be made, during the design, has the economy of the project. The latter must be in line with the expected the nature and destination of the constructions.

II.Architectural Design:
the spatial organization of the dwelling must adapt to the local lifestyle and respond to the regulations in force.
The design of housing should meet the dual objectives of the functionality and the well-being of the occupants according to the requirements and the regional specificities and cultural of the location of the project.
At the conceptual level, it is essential to avoid to the maximum the repetitive cells and / or entities, if the latter is not justified.

He will not tolerate the use of the adaptation of the plans of other projects, if it is not expressly requested.
The design must be an emanation of a real research combining the originality,Innovation and respect for the elements of the insertion site.
The buildings must comply with a K coefficient less than or equal to 0.70 (K = inhabitable surface / surface constructed) in accordance with the Algerian regulations.
The dwellings are of type F3. They will have a total floor area of 67 m2 or - 3 %.The surfaces of the parts the grantor will comply with the technical requirements and functional applicable to social rental housing and cited in study component,  
it will not provided a system lightning rod for buildings in R 5.
of units in islands or in streets must be preferred by ensuring the conditions of their management and ownership.
The density of buildings and their template must be in accordance with the provisions laid down by the instruments of urban planning.
The design of housing on crawlspace should be avoided, when this option is made necessary, there'a place of:

- predict the traps of visit to the appropriate places in such a manner as to allow easy access and waterproof ;
- Provide the ventilation grilles in sufficient number and elevated so as to prevent the infiltration of runoff water
I - making connections of wastewater and sewage water through eyes falling on the height between the ground level and the platform of the building.The connections made to the aid of elbows at the level of the empty sanitary are to banish.
In the case of entries elevated by report to the sidewalk, the access to the building must contain an access ramp not exceeding 4% of slope with a width of at least 0.70 m intended for the use of people with reduced mobility,
of collective typologies,Semi collective and individual grouped must be designed according to the region and the size of the agglomeration.
In the case of collective dwellings, the priority will be given to a design of four dwellings per level by avoiding the case of distribution of parts of a single side of the corridor.
the development of terraces accessible commons can be tolerated, in this case,The architect should include the organization and the necessary adaptations.
In the case of a design offering a step backwards in relation to the sidewalk, the intermediate space may be annexd to the dwellings of the ground floor. This space, plant should be protected by a light fence whose part in hard must not exceed 60cm in height.
The entrance hall of the building should be designed as a welcome space properly dimensioned in the height and width; access to the stairwell under the remedy through is to banish.
the door to access the building must be an element of appeal with a decorative treatment suitable.
has the floor,The designer must distinguish the bearing of rest of the area of distribution of housing.

The facades should take account of the guidance, the level of sunlight and prevailing winds.
for greater success for the volumetry of the project, it is desirable to play with the terraces, the roofs and the indents. The game of full and empty, of advances and
setbacks,The window openings, the dryers, the shape of the roofs and in the cages
of stairs can make vary the appearance of:

The treatment of facades must in any (materials, processing, form and representative es case of figure refer to the local architecture, tjation)

re significant at the treatment of facades by their implementation.
Openings must take into account the level ades and other characteristics of the climate.

The compartment bottom or the base of the building is rather a space of the city or the neighborhood; it must foster, with great flexibility, communication, openness, transparency, and the wealth in avoiding the anonymity through a proper treatment,Differential treatment of so pronounced in relation to the treatment of the compartment top.
The top compartment or the body of the building, constituting the housing, should provide child friendly spaces, sunny, respondents 3t secure.
a particular treatment, integrated with the whole, should be reserved for the Foundation in order to prevent wear and soiling. i
A special attention must be given to the treatment of common parts is reflecting particularly by:
"The realization of an entry of building with dimensions in harmony with the scale and facade treatment.
Dimensions minimums for the thoroughfares commons:
Width entrance hall

Distance of the entrance door of the building to the first market of stairs or to the arrival of the access ramp
Width access door of the building

the orientation of the slots must allow the respect of preferential orientations of stays and kitchens.
In addition to the desirable solar radiation, account should be taken of the microclimate,The configuration of the ground, the views and the prevailing winds in order to take advantage of the conditions of comforts offered by the natural elements.
With the aim of designing a finished project and harmonious, there is place of: 4
"anticipate a development outside of quality, with a urban furniture adapted and
Green spaces taking into account da'ns their composition of climatic features local and general ; I
"anticipate for the access roads and tracks of mechanical adequate coatings. It is recommended for the mechanical tracks the use of the coated hot ;
"Avoid the superposition of the spaces reserved for play areas and pedestrian traffic with that of traffic mechanical ;
"Take into account, in the development of the spaces, persons with reduced mobility ;
"anticipate the play areas and relaxation for the three ages (playground, spaces of friendliness, to meet and relax in reflecting the limits and the crossovers) ;
"anticipate parking areas in sufficient number,Whether by reason of a vehicle for 02 slots to 02 vehicles for 03 housing units depending on the locality ;
• agree on a general design of the project, to ensure the achievement of housing, VRD and of its amenities secondary including the technical premises and posts transformers would be conducted simultaneously ;  
• support, l
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