Quand ton col de couleur roseSe donne à mon embrassementEt ton oeil la traduction - Quand ton col de couleur roseSe donne à mon embrassementEt ton oeil la Anglais comment dire

Quand ton col de couleur roseSe don

Quand ton col de couleur rose
Se donne à mon embrassement
Et ton oeil languit doucement
D’une paupière à demi close,
Mon âme se fond du désir
Dont elle est ardemment pleine
Et ne peut souffrir à grand’peine
La force d’un si grand plaisir.
Puis, quand s’approche de la tienne
Ma lèvre, et que si près je suis
Que la fleur recueillir je puis
De ton haleine ambroisienne,
Quand le soupir de ces odeurs
Où nos deux langues qui se jouent
Moitement folâtrent et nouent,
Eventent mes douces ardeurs,
Il me semble être assis à table
Avec les dieux, tant je suis heureux,
Et boire à longs traits savoureux
Leur doux breuvage délectable.
Si le bien qui au plus grand bien
Est plus prochain, prendre ou me laisse,
Pourquoi me permets-tu, maîtresse,
Qu’encore le plus grand soit mien?
As-tu peur que la jouissance
D’un si grand heur me fasse dieu?
Et que sans toi je vole au lieu
D’éternelle réjouissance?
Belle, n’aie peur de cela,
Partout où sera ta demeure,
Mon ciel, jusqu’à tant que je meure,
Et mon paradis sera là.
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
When your color collar pinkGive to my embraceAnd your eye gently languishesA half close eyelid,.My soul blends of desireIt ardently fullAnd cannot suffer at grand' sentenceThe strength of a pleasure.Then, when approaching yoursMy lip, and if close I amThe flower to collect I canYour ambroisienne breath,.When these odors sighWhere our two languages that unfoldMoitement sport and relationships,Eventent my sweet passionsIt seems to me be seated at tableWith the gods, so I am happy,And drink to long delicious strokesTheir sweet delectable beverage.If the property that the greatest wellIs next, take or leave me,Why beg you, mistressYet the largest be mine?Do you fear that the enjoymentOf so great hour makes me God?And that without you I fly insteadOf eternal joy?Beautiful, not afraid of this,Everywhere where will be your abodeMy sky, up until I die,And my heaven will be.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
When your pink collar
gives Himself to my embrace
And your eye gently languishes
one eyelid half closed,
my soul merges with the desire
of which is full ardently
and with great difficulty can not suffer
the force of so pleasure.
Then when approaching yours
my lip, and I am so close to
what I can gather the flower
of thy Ambrosian breath,
When sigh of these odors
where our two languages ​​that are played
Moitement frolic and forged,
fanning my sweet ardor,
I seem to be sitting at the table
with the gods, so I am happy,
And drink deep tasty traits
Their sweet delectable drink.
If the property that the greater good
Is nearest, take or leave me,
Why me allow you, mistress,
still be the largest mine?
Are you afraid that the enjoyment
From a great happiness makes me god?
And that without you I fly instead
On the eternal joy?
Belle, have not afraid of that,
Wherever will be your dwelling,
My sky, up until I die,
And my heaven will be there.
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
when the collar is pink and my embarrassment, and your eye... easy to a half closed eyelids, my soul is the desire which is very full and may not be much pain, the strength of such a pleasure. when approaching the the lip is so close, and i'm the flower i can breath collection, ambroisienne.when the breath of scent, where both languages are the moitement yard and there are eventent, my sweet, i seemed to be sitting at a table with the gods, i'm happy, and have long lines and their soft drink delicious tasty. so good to good is more, take or leave me, why do you allow me, miss.even the largest is mine? - are you afraid that the enjoyment of such a great time to god? and without you i fly instead of eternal happiness. the girl, don't be afraid of it, where will you still, my sky, until i die, "and my heaven is here.
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