Je pense à toi tout le temps. Je pense à toi le matin, en marchant dan traduction - Je pense à toi tout le temps. Je pense à toi le matin, en marchant dan Anglais comment dire

Je pense à toi tout le temps. Je pe

Je pense à toi tout le temps. Je pense à toi le matin, en marchant dans le froid. Je fais exprès de marcher lentement pour pouvoir penser à toi plus longtemps. Je pense à toi le soir, quand tu me manques au milieu des fêtes, où je me saoule pour penser à autre chose qu'à toi, avec l'effet contraire. Je pense à toi quand je te vois et aussi quand je ne te vois pas. J'aimerais tant faire autre chose que penser à toi mais je n'y arrive pas. Si tu connais un truc pour t'oublier, fais le moi savoir. Je viens de passer le pire week-end de ma vie. Jamais personne ne m'a manqué comme ça. Sans toi, ma vie est une salle d'attente. Qu'y a-t-il de plus affreux qu'une salle d'attente d'hôpital, avec son éclairage au néon et le linoléum par terre ? Est-ce humain de me faire ça ? En plus, dans ma salle d'attente, je suis seul, il n'y a pas d'autres blessés graves avec du sang qui coule pour me rassurer, ni de magasines sur une table basse pour me distraire, ni de distributeurs de tickets numérotés pour espérer que mon attente prendra fin. J'ai très mal au ventre et personne ne me soigne. Être amoureux c'est cela : un mal de ventre dont le seul remède,c'est toi. J'ignorais que ton prénom prendrait tant de place dans ma vie.

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
I think about you all the time. I think of you morning, walking in the cold. I have purposely walk slowly to be able to think to you longer. Je pense à toi in the evening, when Miss me you in the middle of the holidays, where I drunk to think of something else to you, with the opposite effect. I think about you when I see you and also when I don't see you. So, I would like to do something else just thinking of you but I can't. If you know a trick to forget you, let me know. I just spent the worst weekend of my life. Ever person only has failed me like that. Without you, my life is a waiting room. There's more awful than a hospital waiting room, with its neon lighting and linoleum on the ground? East - this human to do this to me? In addition, in my waiting room, I'm alone, there is no other serious injuries with blood flowing to reassure me, nor of magazines on a coffee table to distract me, nor distributors of tickets numbered to hope that my expectation will take end. I have very bad stomach and nobody cares. Being in love is this: a sore stomach including the only remedy, it is you. I was unaware that your name would take so much place in my life.​
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
I think about you all the time. I think of you in the morning, walking in the cold. I walk slowly on purpose to be able to think of you longer. I think of you in the evening when I miss amid the festivities, I get drunk to think about anything but you, with the opposite effect. I think of you when I see you, too, and when I do not see you. I wish I could do anything but think of you but I can not. If you know a trick to forget you, let me know. I just spent the worst weekend of my life. Nobody ever failed me like that. Without you, my life is a waiting room. What could he more dreadful than a hospital waiting room, with its neon lighting and linoleum floor? Is it human to me? In addition, in my waiting room, I'm alone, no other serious injuries with blood flowing to reassure me or magazines on a coffee table to distract me, no ticket machines numbered to hope that my wait will end. I have very bad stomach and nobody looks after me. Being in love is this: a stomach ache which the only cure is you. I did not know your name would take up so much space in my life.

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
I think of thee all the time. I think of thee the morning, walking in the cold. I am fast to walk slowly to think about thee longer. I think thee to the evening, when i miss you in the mid of the feasts, or i intoxicate me to think about something other than to thee, with the opposite effect. I think of thee when i can see you and also when I do see thee not.I would like both to do something other than think of thee but I cannot. If you know a trick to forget thee, am me know. I have just spent the worst weekend of my life. I have never been lack as ca. Without you, my life is a waiting room. What is there more terrible that a waiting room of hospital, with its neon lighting and linoleum by earth?
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